FOUR ~ Gabby

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"Do you want to step out for some dinner?" Luka asked. Mr. Garcia is long gone and it's nearly seven, but I thought I'd do some extra work today and wait for Luka to get off.

His hair was tousled and he unbuttoned his shirt again. The office was empty except for us. It's like he only unbuttons it when he's around me.

"Sure. Are you finished yet?" I asked, grabbing my coat but planned to leave my bag.

"No, but I'll drive you home. I don't want to keep you out much later," he said. He is being considerate and I feel weird. I don't want to get used to it because I know how he can get. But it'd be nice if he was like this all of the time.

After agreeing, I gather my things and we exit the building together. It was raining so we hurriedly ran to the car. He opened my door, I stood there looking at him a moment just so that he would stand out in the rain longer than needed. He shook his head and gently pushed me in. I couldn't help but smile, but I made sure to hide it when he got in the driver side.

"You are a menace aren't you?" He said, except he doesn't look impressed. Maybe I did strike a nerve. I know he has to go back to the office, but if he was that uncomfortable he could stop in the apartment quick to change. Looks like his considerate side is already gone.

"Can we go-"

"No. I'm picking where we're going," he said abruptly. I sink further into my seat and cross my arms looking away. If he won't let me speak, I won't give him conversation.

When the car stopped, I didn't make any moves to get out.

"Are you done pouting?" He asked but I still didn't speak. He only sighed and got out himself, then opened my door. But when I didn't get up, he grabbed my arm.

"Hey, don't grab me so hard," I said, ripping my arm out of his grip. I took off first for the door of the extremely fancy looking restaurant that I haven't been to before. The hostess gave me a fake smile once she saw me, probably because my hair and clothes were soaked. But honestly, even the rich can't evade the rain.

"A table for two," Luka said behind me and the hostess nodded, still hesitant to let us in. With a hand on my lower back, we followed the hostess through the restaurant and she sat us down in a middle table, surrounded by others when there were clearly booths open.

After setting the menus down, the hostess left and Luka took off his soaking jacket. His shirt was slightly see through, but I did notice his shirt was buttoned again.

The other people around us glanced as Luka made a big show of sitting down. I know he's frustrated but he doesn't need to make me feel second hand embarrassment.

"What can I get you to drink?" A more proper man suddenly asked from above us. He looks like he could be the manager, honestly if they thought we were "riffraff" they'd be half right, considering the state Luka is in. His wet hair is tousled and his clothes are barely suitable for such a fancy restaurant. In this weather, he should have just gotten us take out and called it a day.

"Water for us both," he said frustratedly, looking down at the menu. But something in me ignited.

"Actually, what kind of soda do you have?" I asked, looking at the manager. In the corner of my eye, I could see Luka give me crazy eyes. And people around us snicker. We're already being judged, why don't I embarrass us more. Luka is really the only one that will care now.

"The closest we have to soda is sparkling water." I can tell I'm pissing both of them off, which is my goal.

"I'll take it," I said, giving the man a big smile. He gave me a fake smile back to both of us before leaving.

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