Chapter One

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Senior year officially starts today. Maybe this year would be better. New year, new me as they say. I'm sure Charlie was dreading today; she hates school. At least it's our last year she has that to look forward to.

"Hey Noah." Charlie smiles when we meet up in the school parking lot.

"Heyo. Ready for hell?"

"Hell no, you?" I shake my head and we walk in together. It's not till we get to our lockers that I notice a lot of people staring. Why were they staring at us. Did I have something on my jeans; or worse did I start my period early?

"Everyone is looking at us." I murmured. Charlie snorted shaking her head.

"They're looking at you Noah. You've had a glow up since last year." I frown and look down at myself; nothing changed.

"Nothing has changed." I shrug.

"But it has, you stopped wearing your glasses and you don't live in that oversized hoodie anymore. Plus you started wearing makeup at school or more than you use to." I guess she was right but did that really warrant this much attention. High school was dumb, the gossip and superficial shit was the worst.

"Yeah I guess. Anyway where's Leo and Ellie?" Our other two friends were nowhere to be found.

"Leo had to drop his brother off and as for Ellie she's probably with her boyfriend." Right Ellie started dating the quarterback over the summer. Guess it was just Charlie and I this morning.

Charlie and Leo started dating freshman year and have been together since. I was honestly glad my best friend had such a great guy. In the group I was officially the spare tire; the only single one.

"In coming bitch squad." Charlie murmurs looking over my shoulder. Emily and her goons were heading in our direction. Oh joy, couldn't wait for this.

"Hey Charlie, Hey Noah. Glad to see your both as ugly as ever." Emily smiled sweetly.

"Glad to see you're still a dumb bitch." Charlie shot back. Emily's smile turned into a sneer. Honestly I wasn't sure why she hated us so much.

"Emily go pollute someone else's space." Leo said coming up behind us. His arms wrapped around Charlie's waist. It was both to comfort her and to make sure she didn't swing on Emily.

"Whatever Leo, if you ever get tired of the trash you know where to find me." She grinned before leaving.

"Man someone needs to throat punch her." Charlie grumbled leaning back against her boyfriend. Ellie and Jack found us shortly after. Jack wasn't a bad guy, he was surprisingly nice for a jock.

We talked till the bell rang and we all had to go our separate ways.

Math was first, man I hated math. It's the worst class to start the day with. And even worse Reese was in this class.

Junior year Reese and I dated for six months before I caught him cheating with none other than Emily. They're the reason I don't go to parties anymore. I avoided the football players like the plague. I'm sure some of them were decent but in my experience I thought Reese was decent.

Classes went by quick, I was excited for art. The best class of the day. It wasn't till after lunch; I met everyone at the table.

"Did you hear, there's a party tonight." Ellie says excitedly.

"Nope I'm not going. I have things to do, people to avoid." I shake my head.

"Come on Noah, please!" She begs giving me puppy dog eyes. I'm already shaking my head trying to put my foot down.

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