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(still no one pov)

its been two months since mingyu last see y/n...he'd been contacting hanbin hyung a lot...but no replies....he also been informed that y/n actually not at the hospital and already discharged last month but no one told him that and these days it made him look so stressed even the fans notice that and hoping him to come back stronger,next month seventeen will start their tour and mingyu really want to meet y/n he need to perform his solo stage in a month

"y/n,mingyu been asking me a lot about you...he havent meet you for almost two months...dont you feel sorry for him?"hanbin ask
"oppa...its not that i dont want to meet him...the first week i wake up..the nurse gave me my phone and i saw few of his fans been talking shit about me...and i saw an idol dm-ed me saying she'll kill me and torture mingyu if she know im back with mingyu"y/n said

"so you know he is an artist?"
"i do,when i open the gallery i saw me recording him performing on a big stage...and i somehow been missing him these days...i dont know why...but for now...i cant meet him...i know it'll be bad"
"if you say so..then i'll be the one who's going to see him okay..the tour will start in a few days...he need to know few updates about you"hanbin said and y/n just nod

without hesitating hanbin grab his bag and his car keys he immidiately go out and drive to the cafe.
when he arrived he called mingyu and he ask mingyu to came to the cafe for a while

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