Introduction - Year One

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Sarah's long, brown hair flooded across her face as she lay face down in bed, sinking into the mattress which seemed to envelope her comfortably. As she stirred awake, immediate emotions of anxiety and fear coursed through her body. She still felt so young, though, she knew today was the day she could free herself of her parents, for an entire seven years, of course, excluding the infrequent and short holidays. Hogwarts, the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry was soon to be Sarah's new home and place of education.

Of course, she did love her mother and father, to an extent. It seemed as if her older brother vanishing all those years ago ignited a dark spark within them both. Her mother seemed to turn to chardonnay and champagne, glasses upon glasses, bottles after bottles, to rid herself of the powerful grieving which only a mother could grasp. Sarah's father seemed to have a closer connection to her despite the situation, the pair being practically inseparable throughout Sarah's childhood, before Jacob had left for good. Though the grief enveloped them all and altered the family's dynamic, as they each handled such grief in different, distinct ways, causing the three entities to feel rather isolated from one another. Ultimately, the familial bond of the Davison's was broken, far beyond the point of repair. Sarah supposed when her mother was docile enough it allowed a sense of normality between the family, which she hoped would be the case for today, as she packed her belongings in pursuit for Hogwarts.

"Sarah, honey are you ready?"

"Just a moment father."

She rapidly changed into her plain, dark robes, which weren't yet adorned with the colour of a Hogwarts house. As she tied her hair back, she suppressed any nerve wracking thoughts about which house she would be sorted into, knowing, of course, her parents, particularly, her mother, held a great deal of their daughter being sorted into Gryffindor, as it ran through the Davison bloodline, and as both Sarah's parents and Jacob belonged to the house. Before grabbing her large briefcase, Sarah checked to ensure her precious wand, which was 12 inches with a dragon heartstring core and hawthorn wood, was still in there. Safe and sound.

Apparition was a skill Sarah herself could not yet fathom, considering she was only twelve and without any significant experience with major forms of magic. So of course, as each parent grasped onto one of her hands respectively, they utilised the floo network through their grand fireplace and emerged in the centre of Diagon Alley.

Upon their arrival, Sarah took in her surroundings, noticing many students who she presumed were a few years into their Hogwarts education. Overconfident fourth years blabbing with their friends to her right, and evidently excited 'first years to be' on her left. She felt a strong urge to run up to the children and join in their friendly discussion. As she attempted to step forward, a cold hand wrapped around her wrist, confining her to the space.

"They could be half-bloods, or worse muggles."

"They seem friendly, mother." Sarah responded

"We are pure-bloods, myself and your father do not associate ourselves with such filths. We refuse for you to bring such shame to the Davison family. Am I understood?"

"Yes mother."

"Very well."

The grasp around her wrist loosened, bringing circulation back into her arm and freeing the young girl of the faintness that came upon her.

Though she knew her place beside her parents, Sarah couldn't help but eye the group with a twinge of jealousy, knowing her time making friends at Hogwarts would not come as easily for her, considering not many pure-blooded students would be in her form. Besides, there were numerous pure-blooded families that the Davisons did not associate with. It was hard to keep track.

Sarah asked to use the bathroom. Before her mother could respond, her father intercepted and of course, allowed her. As she walked quickly away from them, emotions heightened and breathing heavy, she bumped into another person. Looking up, her eyes met with beautiful brown eyes, belonging to a girl with raven coloured hair and a dark skin tone. She inherited the same look of nervousness Sarah felt.

"I'm so sorry!"

"No, no you're fine. I'm Rowan, it's so nice to meet you!"

"I'm Sarah" she sighed a sigh of relief, as she turned around seeing her parents were out of sight.

"Well Sarah, can I have your opinion? I want to buy an accessory from Diagon Alley, so I can cherish it for my entire Hogwarts life, but I'm just in a bind. What do you suggest?"

Spying a striking accessory in a storefront, Sarah responded: "I like that scarf, Rowan" she pointed to it. "It would make your eyes look striking!"

They both shared a laugh in unison, and Sarah waited patiently outside as Rowan made her purchase, before remembering her parents would be expecting her return. As the girls parted ways, they promised to meet with each other when they arrived at Hogwarts, or hopefully earlier. As she united with her worried parents, she ignored all the looks they received walking to the station, knowing that she was going to make some amazing memories at Hogwarts.


thank you so much for reading!! next chapter will be coming super soon, i'm sorry it's a little slow, year one-two r gonna be a bit boring bc there's no romance lol. but i'll work through them quickly!


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