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Yn pov

Tring tring... agh fuck this alarm.  Today I'm going to my new school, ahh it's going to be a long day today without my unnies....

Au pov

With that she went to do her morning routine after that she took her bag and went down to go to her school that when mrs.lee called her

Mrs.lee :- where are you going on morning

Yn :- I'm going to my school

Mrs.lee :- ohh you already joined in a school

Yn :- yeah?

Mrs.lee :- ok which school

Yn :- and why do you care

Mrs.lee :- just asking to know if your really going to school or somewhere else

Yn :- *sign* it's seoul international school and university. Happy?

Mrs.lee :- how did you get that much money to join there

Yn :- none of your business

Mrs.lee :- fine

Au pov

With that yn went outside the house before going to the school she stopped near a cafe to eat breakfast , after that she went to her school and started searching for principals office thats when she bumped to someone

Yn :- sorry , i did not see you

?? :- it's ok , are you new here ?

Yn :- yes , my name is yn

?? :- ohh hi my name is Lee ji-eun you can call me IU

Yn :- hi ji-eun

Iu :- Come I'll show you principals office

Yn :- ok thanks

Iu :- your welcome

Yn knocked on the door and a faint came saying come in

Yn :- good morning sir *bowed a little* :- *bowed 90°* good morning mam , here your schedule

Yn :- *nodded* thank you Mr song :- your welcome mam , it's pleasure to have you here

Yn :- i already told you many times to call me by my name , if i here is again..... :- ok ma- i mean yn , have a good day

Yn nodded and left his room to see iu waiting for her outside

Iu :- wow we both have same schedule for today *exited

Yn :- thats great *smiled a lil , very lil mostly invisible*

Iu :- come let's go or mr.han gonna kill us , like seriously who keeps social in first period

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