𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 1 - 𝙉𝙚𝙬 𝙘𝙖𝙩

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After the incident that had happened, our main protagonist; M/N, had found a cat in the building. He decided to take the cat with him seeing it didn't have an owner.

It was a female black cat with sharp golden eyes. The cat would be currently sleeping in M/N's arms as they got to his apartment. M/N opens the door with one hand while the other continued to carry the sleeping cat.

He removes his shoes and puts them to the side neatly. His hand would then hover on the light switch before turning the lights to his apartment on. M/N's apartment was decent.

It was clean inside, organized, and it felt cozy. It wasn't huge but it was enough for him. He walks into the living room and places the cat on the couch gently. He then walked over to the kitchen to make himself a snack.

He grabbed two slices of bread, jam, and peanut butter. He evenly spreads the jam on one slice, before doing the same with the other slice of bread but with the peanut butter.

He presses the two together and ta-da. A peanut butter and jam sandwich. M/N was too lazy to cook so he just made himself a sandwich to fill his hunger. And it was enough for him.

He finishes the sandwich in a couple more bites until it was all gone. M/N begins walking back to the living room to check if the cat was still sleeping. He checks and it was awake.

The cat senses the man's presence and looks over to him. "Oh he's back." The cat jumps down the couch and walks over to M/N. It begins walking in circles around him before sitting in front of him and meowing.

"You wan't attention? Okay..." M/N bends over and picks up the cat. He then sits down on the couch, putting the cat on his lap. "Hmm... maybe I should give you a name by now." M/N says whilst scratching behind the cat's ear. "Hmm..."

M/N begins trying to find a good name for his new feline friend, stroking his chin. The cat just sat there looking up at it's new owner.

M/N clicks his tongue, not expecting it to be this hard in naming a cat. His mind continued on trying to find a suitable name for the black cat.

Then finally he snaps his fingers. "Alright! You're name is going to be... Yoruichi!" M/N says with a small smile on his face.

"Huh... that's my name already though. Meh, I'll roll with it." The cat meows and begins licking M/N's face. "This guy's cute... I like him."

M/N softly laughs as the cat he named Yoruichi begins licking his face. "Haha... it seems you like it. Okay... from now on your name is Yoruichi." M/N says petting Yoruichi's head.

Yoruichi purrs in response. "Well... I guess I have to get you stuff now if you're going to be living with me."


M/N would come back to his apartment at night, many plastic bags full of groceries in his hands. He takes off his footwear and puts it to the side and closes the door behind him. "Yoruichi!" He calls out to the black cat.

Yoruichi immediately walks towards him with a meow. She rubs her face on his legs as a greeting. M/N kneels to pet her head. "We're you waiting for me for too long? I hope not..." M/N pulls out some cat treats from his plastic bag. "Look I brought you food."

"I don't think I wan't to eat that..." Yoruichi shrugs her head. M/N arches a brow, looking confused.

"You don't want this? Oh... okay. Maybe I can find something else you would want." M/N stands up straight again and walks towards the table and places his groceries down. "Other than the food I have something else I bought you..."

M/N rummages through his grocery bags. He pulls some items out first before finally getting what he wanted. A collar with the metal plate saying Yoruichi. "I got you a collar."

M/N walks over to the cat who's sitting on the floor. He kneels down to it's level and puts the collar around her neck. "Kinky..." Yoruichi's paw touches the collar as it was put on.

"I also got you a bed. I'm gonna go get it for you. It's still in the car." M/N stands up and walks out of house. He opens the trunk of his car and pulls out a cat bed. He comes back to the house, carrying a round, soft, fluffy cat bed.

M/N walks to a corner of the house and places the soft bed down. Yoruichi walks over and goes on the bed. She circles around it before laying down and letting out a purr.

M/N smiles, seeing his new cat be comfortable on the bed he had bought. He gently places his hand on her head, almost covering her head. "Well it looks like you're comfortable on the new bed I bought... that's great to see."

"You're so adorable. Hmm... I'm lucky I found you." M/N would continue to pet Yoruichi whilst humming a little tune. "Hehe... so adorable." M/N hugs his cat waking her back up. "You're so so so so so so adorable..."

M/N had been wanting a cat since he was a kid. So when he found Yoruichi he was estatic. Everytime he was left alone with a cat he would get all affectionate with them. "He's quite affectionate..." Yoruichi just let him hug her and plant little kisses on her.


M/N was on his bed whilst Yoruichi was already asleep on her new bed. M/N shifts around on his bed before finding a comfortable position.

With Yoruichi, she would be asleep. That was until she woke up. Her eyes slowly open and she gets off her bed. "He's probably asleep by now." She says in her weirdly male like voice.

Yoruichi then suddenly transforms becoming a woman with, beautiful dark skin, tied up dark violet hair, piercing golden eyes, and a stunning curvy body. She was also... naked. The collar on her neck falling on the ground.

She stretches her body, letting grunts. "Ahh... it's been so long since I've used my original body." Yoruichi's voice would transform into a more feminine one in this form. She sighs and begins walking around M/N's apartment. "I'm hungry... let's see if the guy has something for me to eat."

She walks to the pantry and opens it. There she sees chips, biscuits, and some seasonings he would use for cooking. Yoruichi grabs a pack of chips and silently closes the pantry.

She opens the pack of chips and begins eating whilst walking around the apartment. She then walks down a hall in his apartment until she stops at a door, where she hears snoring on the other side. "This must be his room..." Yoruichi opens the door and it wasn't locked.

Yoruichi enters inside his room and sees M/N, comfortably sleeping there on his bed. She finishes her chips and just throws the rubbish on the floor. She walks closer to M/N's sleeping form. "He looks... cute. He wouldn't mind letting me sleep next to him right?~"

She transforms into her cat form once again and jumps onto M/N's bed. There she lays down next to him and slowly go to sleep...

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