Brand New Person.

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The city's descent into darkness has affected the civilians. Most of the Metropolis population had either died or transformed into one of those deranged mutants Brainiac created. If there were survivors, with the lack of essentials in order to survive, their chances of surviving are pretty low- impossible. The amount of death and decay in the once bustling streets of the city is haunting, to imagine there was life before all this chaos occurred, and now it's empty as if nobody lived there to begin with, Harley decided then that humanity is cursed beyond their knowledge.

In respect for the dead, she shatters a skull with a batarang she stole from Batman's gear. The little gadget is brilliant for breaking things into tiny fragments, judging by the shattered skull spread apart on the destroyed concrete path. The batarang flies back to her, and she catches it with the same hand she launched it with, but somehow the sharp end caught her thumb and sliced it open, prompting her to release a gasp from how painful it felt.

Boomerang stands adjacent from her, and her pathetic display of a boomerang steals a laugh from him, capturing the notorious woman's attention. Unafraid, he takes his chances annoying Harley, "Batman wouldn't be impressed with that performance, Quinn." he said in his deep Australian accent, which undoubtedly annoyed Harley to her limits. The jester turns on her heels with a whole range of emotions stemming from anger, "Batman ain't here ta witness it, he's too busy playin' follow the leader with, Brainiac!" she huffs, shoving the batarang into her back pocket. The jester straightens her posture, following Boomerang's movement as he walks towards King Shark, proceeding to earwig to him, Quinn couldn't help but think they were talking about her.

"What you two bozos talkin' about? betta not be about me. I've already grown tired of your bullshit, not in the mood for ya crap talkin' and whatnot." she narrows her eyes at the two moronic freaks, and in return they wipe their smiles off their faces and separate from each other. Quinn didn't put much thought into this ridiculous squad, just that if she participated she'd drop a few years off her sentence. To be honest, this Waller chick doesn't seem so trustable anymore. It feels like she gathered them together just for them to do her bidding and eventually die, or that's what Harley thinks of her. Then suddenly her ear piece makes static noise and Waller's voice is heard. Speaking of the devil.

"Task force X, go to LexCorp Incorporated and investigate, now. Report back to me when you've found something that will bring something to the table. Waller out." the stern voice says, the static sparks again until it eventually fades away. Harley turns to the other's, "Well, you heard the boss." she rolls her eyes, clutching her pistol tightly.


The silence is foreign to the squad, the only sound that could be heard is the sound of their boots hitting against the marble floor of Lex Luthor's laboratory. Harley Quinn arches her head to the others, puzzled by the absence of the man who owns the establishment, questioning why the robotic suit man would leave his secrets freely displayed to some knuckleheads like the Suicide Squad. Boomerang walks into Harley's line of sight, raising his fist in the air dramatically, "Well, this has made our jobs a whole lot easier." he says, his deep Australian accent capturing the attention's of King Shark and Deadshot. "Don't be so sure. There's a chance he'll come back." Deadshot points out, causing Harley to raise her gaze at him, "I don't doubt that for a second... Let's grab what we can find and get outta' here." she says, the others nod their heads in agreement and hurriedly scram to different parts of the laboratory.

This gives Harley the space to explore a different part of the room. That being the shutter doors half open with a rather familiar smell coming from the same direction. Then, she notices a pinkish smoke emitting from the half-shut doors, prompting her to get closer to inspect the vapour. It then occurs to her that a familiar face could be behind the shutters, and a grin appears on her pale face. Harley puts her hands under the shutters and with strength she lifts it up, and with enough pressure she manages to pry it open. She is immediately hit with the smell of weak pheromones and the same vapour emitting from an opening in the protective glass. "You've got to be fuckin' shittin' me, ain't no way..." She mumbles under her breath, low enough that the others didn't perk up at it.

Deadshot, King Shark and Boomerang couldn't find anything that seemed important or could lead them closer to an answer, the only thing they could find was documents about some botanic ability, which wouldn't be useful to Amanda Waller or to them. The thing they are searching for is an answer on how to defeat the corrupted Justice League, a document on plants wouldn't assist them at all.

Boomerang furrows his eyebrows, "The fuck...Why has Lex been so fussy about plants recently? He's really living up to the old grandpa standard." Boomerang expresses his frustration by throwing the documents on the ground with slight force. Harley Quinn turns around, "Are you stupid? There's clearly an answer for that!" she huffs, coming to face Boomerang, "An answer? Or the old fart has a fixation on plants!" he retorts aggressively, staring at Harley with narrow eyes. "Okay, so who is crazy for plants? More importantly, who is a villain but not a villain and just wants plants to take over humanity?" she says, the glint in Boomerang's eye and his realisation causes her to widen her eyes.

"You're not making any sense, Harl."

She is hit with immediate disappointment again.

"IVY, YA DOPE!" she exclaims in response to his slowness. Boomerang opens his mouth as his realisation hits, "As in THE Poison Ivy? She's been dead for years, mate." He says, this time Harley points to the open shutters. The others turn their heads to the protective glass box with an opening in it, "Oh." Boomerang utters, surprised by the mere sight of Ivy's pheromones emitting from the specific place.

Harley presses the bridge of her nose, then she raises her gaze at them again, "It seems she has escaped. Let's report back to Waller, she'll be happy to hear this." Deadshot stands forward, the others look at him and nod their heads, all except one. "I haven't seen her in years...What do I even say?" Harley admits shyly, remembering their interactions throughout Arkham Asylum and when Ivy saved her from an abusive relationship. "Gal pals, am I right?" she exhales heavily, and the others shake it off.

Deadshot looks away from the squad and focuses, he presses a finger to his earpiece, toggling the microphone, and Waller answers quicker than usual. "Waller here, find anything yet?" her stern tone causes him to wince but he responds, "Lex Luthor has been keeping something hidden in his laboratory, I think it'll interest you." he says, attempting to sound stern but instead he sounds worried that this will backfire on him. A static erupts, insinuating that Waller is about to respond, "Well, looks like I'm not disappointed in Task force X after all. What is it that you have found?" the static erupts again, prompting Deadshot to talk, "Pheromones. Which could only mean one thing-" before he could finish, Waller answers, "Poison Ivy?" her curiosity is evident in her optimistic tone. "THE Poison Ivy? What is she doing in Metropolis? And when did she miraculously come back from the dead? She had been dead for years..." the stern voice irks Deadshot, and when the static ends for the final time, Harley Quinn decides to answer.

"Clearly Lex had plans for Poison Ivy, which explains why she was in his Laboratory. It's unknown exactly when she broke out, but it's obvious she didn't want to be involved in his stupid plan." Harley expresses her concern for Ivy, more importantly, she wants to hurt Lex for involving her best friend in his stupid experiments.

The static erupts, this time Waller seems less amused by Harley's frustration. "Who gave you the right to bombard me with your nonsense, Quinn? It only takes one person to inform me about the information you have found." Waller's anger causes Quinn to stay silent, which gives Waller the opportunity to say something else. "I gave each of you a device that helps track nearby plant roots burrowed underneath Metropolis. Find Poison Ivy and bring her to me. Waller out." and the static slowly fades until she's left to focus on the task given to them.


The Squad find the plant that has been giving them massive readings on the device. "This is what was giving us all those massive readings? This tiny thing?!" Boomerang spits, furious as to why such a tiny plant could hold such power. "We're taller than it. It's about the size of my foo-" he is interrupted when the ground starts to shake and the stem of the plant starts to erupt from the ground. The plant reaches a staggering height, prompting the squad to stand back and observe as it keeps on growing. Harley looks to the others, "Alright, stand back guys. I've got this all under control!" she says excitedly, happy to see her long-term friend alive again.

The head of the plant lowers, and it's mouth opens slowly, releasing a mist of pheromones and toxins that could kill instantly. Harley takes two steps forward, "There's my-" she cuts herself off, waiting for the presence of her partner in crime to appear.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17 ⏰

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