Emotions, Questions

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Emotions.. and Questions..
What to do with these emotions..?
At times I feel it would be best if I were emotionless.. a robot.. a lot of feelings in mind disturb it. The condition becomes even worse when you are effected by others problems as well whether it is real for them or not.. it doesn't matter.(for example in movies or serials)
Why are humans with emotions? Why are we not like robots? Coz at the end of the day.. we see if we have done our work correct and are we paid for it. We work for money. We may say that its our passion to work. But how long.. passion is the ability to knowingly take pain for the work we do and achieve something.. in reality. how many are so..
What is real in this world? Why should good people suffer.. throughout their life. (which is evidently proven from ages now..) What is suffering? Is it just the physical ill health a suffering. What is this brain? If it is like a computer.. then why the hell does it stops and suffers with emotions.
If the concept of Karma works, then why is it biased towards bad people..( I may be wrong in my perception) why should good people suffer all through their life for some or the other thing and just have a very small amount of good time .. even this, is not there in a lot of fates.. and bad people enjoy all their life and just some suffer at the very ending time of theirs.
Why does a person need other people for an emotional support..? why are we programmed so..
And many more such questions.. disturb me 24/7 which does not keep my mind relaxed. These bring a fear in me.. and delete the interest to live the life in happy and on lighter notes.. before whatever I do, or say or any action.. there is a fear in me. To do anything or start anything.. there is a fear in me.. a fear of loosing .. a fear of not living upto expectations.. a fear.. of every single thing.. what will such person do.. or what should such person do? Gita says to do your work without expecting any thing.. rest you will get when time arrives.. but should a person not expect even mental peace. I may have not understood the way I should understand about this verse in it.. but yes such question raised.
Distractions and sufferings.. do they go hand in hand?.. not necessarily..
But the one place where distractions work is when you are at your low.. may be that's why the concept of addictions to wrong things have poped up.
We would never wish to loose anything good we have .. but what if we are getting affected deeply even when we see others suffer for their loss? I don't exactly know.. m I disturbed with their loss? or m I just afraid? What are these feelings? What are these emotions? Why are they affecting me a lot? Why am I loosing interest in talking to people or enjoying life? What is disturbing me? Is it my fear or my distractions?
Being empathetic is not wrong . but it is not easy to be so.. this affects us a lot. In todays world everyone have their own set of problems and sorrows to deal with.. but what if we start getting affected by others problems as well? The condition of our brain will be pathetic.. but this is what empathy making a person..
Is, not sharing our things with anyone.. is the only solution.. coz discussing such disturbed brain issues.. where even I m not able to put what I want to in a proper way.
Many a times I felt that living life is very difficult. Many ups and downs.. and how are people dealing with it.. though we see ups or not.. may not be an issue but the downs are very scary and the simple thought of it also shakes me up.. how to deal with them.. whats going on? Why is it going on? Should it really go on? Should I really live..? is my presence making any difference in this world? Why do some stories have sad endings? Why cant every story end with a happy note.. ?
Or m I taking every minute thing very seriously? But this is not in my hands.. they are thoughts,.. whose speed is faster than the speed of light..? what can relax me? What are these restless emotions in my mind? For such brains.. can there be any relaxation?
Some may feel answer to these questions are easy and simple.. but trust me its damn difficult to understand and accept some facts which could be an answer to them for the people.. who have gone very deep in such questions.. where they are able to see only questions, see sufferings and have a constant fear.. sometimes.. not even know the reason for the fear..

This is an informal text. This may disturb one or compel to think..

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