Chapter Two

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Noah Everret

"Once you find your mate, you'll be taking over this role. You can't start petty fight's. You know better Noah'' My father, THE Alpha of our pack, Nolan says. He's right, I need to let things go. But all Branson does is run his fucking mouth. He gets under my skin so quickly.

So I might have overreacted, but I was expecting him to talk shit instantly and I wasn't in the mood to hear it.

"Sorry dad, I know. I'll do better"

"I know you will '' he nods, his jaw set. He wants to say more, because he's disappointed. Because I know better.

"Go shower, make sure mom doesn't need anything '' I nod, turning out of his office and making my way to our floor.

It's the five of us, dad, mom, me, Emma and Aria. My 5 year old twin sisters. Once I'm inside our living room area, I spot mom trying to get my sister's ready. "Hey baby" she smiles, although she looks exhausted. Her blonde hair matches my own. My sisters have dark hair, like dad's.

"Hey Momma" I make my way to her, leaning down as she kisses my check. Call me a momma's boy, or whatever you want. I truly don't care. She's my favorite person.

"Noahhhh'' Ari laughs, dragging out the syllables in my name. She gives me her cheeky smile, and takes off running once mom has her ready.

"They seem energized," I murmured, making my way to my room. I have a connected bathroom, which is nice. Once I find my mate, I get to move to my own suite. But it's tradition to wait until you find your mate.

I take a quick shower, and get ready for the day. We're heading to other packlands to see if my mate is a part of another pack. I'm not sure if they are, they could be younger. It's always a possibility.

If I don't find my mate by the time I'm 20, so within the year, i get to take on my Alpha role.

Layla is in the passenger seat of my truck, her hair down and in a pretty dress. Her usual go to. I was told that she was supposed to be my mate, that they were so sure. We didn't feel a pull, or anything like that. My parents did when they were younger, they were best friends and mates.

So they assumed it would happen to us, since we have always been close. But there's a big secret that no one knows.

I'm not sure why I care, if it's because I'm held to a different standard then most, or if it's because I know if I told anyone I'd disappoint them. But, I'm gay. Branson, Layla's brother came out at a young age. No one batted an eye, no one cared. Because it's Branson, he doesn't have a title to hold.

He doesn't have anyone to let down. He has two dads, so no one cared. And maybe that's why I hate him so much. Because he can kiss guys at parties, and he can bring home one night stands. But I was always pushed to be with my girl best friend. She's the only one who knows my secret.

I told her when we were 15, and I cried. She held me, and told me she knew, and she knew in her heart we weren't mates. That she wished things were different, and she was sorry.

At 15, she was my lifeline. She was always my life line. But I saw it, I saw it in her eyes that day. That she loved me. And not like a best friend. I broke her heart that day, and she still stuck by me.

She deserves someone as good as her, I just hope she finds it.

She is coming with me for this hunt, because she needs to find her mate as well.

"Why do you have that look on your face?" Lay asks, her perfect brows creasing as she glances over my face in worry.

"What look?" I huff, glancing from her to the road.

"It looks like you're overthinking your whole life," she giggled, poking my arm. "The Noah look" she smiles at that, thinking she's hilarious.

"Just thinking. We've been searching packs for months, nothings come up. What if it's just another pointless trip?" I guess I'm not very positive, I feel like shutting down with this whole mate shit. I'm over it.

"Then we look at another pack, and we go to every awakening in our pack. And we hope the moon goddess is on our side." She gives me a sad smile. "Give it time, that's all we can do Everett" she leans back in her seat, crossing her legs.

"Yeah" i mumble,

Hours and hours of driving, hours of searching through another pack, and more hours of driving back to our pack. We come back with no new information, and I follow Layla into her house. She's huffing, shaking her head.

"We will figure it out one day, it just takes time" she goes on and on. Her positive attitude really brings down my negative vibes, but whatever.

"Awww, no one wants Noah Everett?" Bransons loud voice comes from the stairs, and my eyes narrow on him. Always running that fucking mouth.

"Bran be nice, this isn't fun. It sucks. It's actually depressing" Layla sighs, and Uncle Ze glances at her from the doorway.


"He can hear the word depressing" Bran cuts in, and Layla's little brother looks up from his phone. Xan. He is the quiet kid of the pact. I don't know everything, but I know he has a really rough time, and struggles badly with depression. His glazed eyes glance at me, and I give him a tight lip smile.

His checks flush, and he glances at Zeke. "Bran's right" that's all he mumbles, before going back to his phone.

"It does suck" I murmur, and Uncle Ze gives me a sad smile.

"Have you talked to your parents about it?" he asks, and I shake my head. I practically grew up here. I have a good relationship with my parents, but Layla and I have always been close, and being here is better than being at the pack house constantly. "There's some birthday's coming up. Maybe it will be someone here" Uncle Ze says, squeezing my shoulder as he passes me.

"Thanks" I murmured, before following Lay to the living room. She flops down on the couch, pouting and I sit beside her. Branson comes in, apparently not done with us.

"How many places have you gone, Lay?" he asks, his brows furrowing.

"All the neighboring packs, and the neighboring packs to them. We're getting to the point where we are going to have to fly places" she leans her head back, looking at the ceiling.

"I'm sorry Lay" Branson genuinely sounds like he feels bad, for once in his life.

"What about you?" She asks, glancing at him. "Your birthday is next weekend, are you excited?"

"I guess, worried more so. I don't want-"

"To be like us?" Her voice is sad, but when she holds his stare, he nods. "It's okay, i don't want you to be like us, either" she gives a sad smile, and then she's turning toward the TV. "Wanna watch something?" she asks, and he just nods. And at some point, Xan comes in, settling beside his brother.

And that's how I spend the rest of my night, watching movies with Lay, and her siblings. Eating dinner at her house, and going home to an empty bed, to no mate. 

A/N Hello! This is the second book in my werewolf trilogy! The next couple chapters are posted on my patreon! I'll have them posted there as I write them, and plan to post once or twice a week here. Enjoy!

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