40~ Unvelieng The Shades

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Yana's POV

It was kept so high that I knew my height would never support me, I searched for the stand and found it in the corner.

I somehow bought it at that place and climbed on it before forwarding my hand to take out that book just to frown seeing that I wouldn't reach it if I climbed on top also.

I frustratedly turned around and my eyes fell on the mirror that was just hung on the bookshelves on the opposite side of the main door.

My breath got stuck in my throat after seeing him standing at the door just in his black pants and unbuttoned shirt.

His back was resting against the door, and a smile was gracing his slightly red lips, the marks of my nails proudly flexing on his hard chest, and his dark eyes in their murderous form.

Of course, he understood everything.

I felt my towel loosening around my body and I immediately held it with my one hand preventing myself from getting undressed in front of him.

'Like he didn't see what's under.'

"Ardhansh... Merely whisper left my mouth but I felt my body getting imbalanced and that's it.

I closed my eyes waiting for the pain but it didn't come what came was the smell of musky oil mixed with my scent lavender and the feeling of his caring arms wrapped around me.

I opened my eyes and saw him staring at me with extreme anger, his face looking so adorable with the tint of redness.

"What the hell are you? A kid?" He yelled walking towards the study table and carefully keeping me on it.

I kept my palm on my chest trying to calm down my wildly beating heart and by one hand kept holding that towel.

"I...I...was...just strolling...."

He raised his brow daring me to lie and I ceased my mouth knowing very well it wouldn't work with a man like him.

Lying with him means fooling yourself, and I would be mad to do it after knowing his extra-intelligent brain.

He calmly took a seat on the chair just in between my legs and asked, "So what punishments do you want?"

"Punishment?" I harshly bit my tongue at my high-pitched voice.

"It's, punishments baby for trying this foolish act?"

"Are you serious?" I asked still in shock with his words he would have asked me, what the hell I was doing here but this man always worked opposite to my expectations.

"Do I look like I am joking?"

He leaned on the chair and I gulped hard seeing his flexing muscles, the scratches of my nails were clearly stating my horny side.

I remembered how madly I dragged my nails on them just to make this art and it's satisfying after all it was always him who did it in between my thighs but today it's me too.

"You don't owe me Arsh...," My voice shook when I noticed him pulling his soft lower lip under his teeth and winking at me, I just felt something running in between my thighs.

Shit!!! I am again wet, what the hell does he think of himself?

'Like you don't know.'

I can't deal with this fucking mind who is always on his side.

"That's okay I will make you remember what I think myself...now choose your first punishment? and remember there would be three punishments."

He said and I frowned, I opened my mouth to protest but closed it again before nodding my head.

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