The Beginning of the End

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Once upon a time a pair of young royals: King Roman and Queen Azalea of the South loved each other so much it spread to the corners of every kingdom. The South was adored by all and had allies in every corner except one. The one Queen who should have been the biggest ally for the South. Her sister Iris Queen of the North.

Her sister was jealous of the love the southern king and queen had for each other. Something real, loyal, kind. Her marriage was empty, a farce for her citizens, their love had died long ago.

In envy, she did something that would change the course of our history forever.

 Queen Iris hired an assassin from the west paying him handsomely to murder the King of the South. As well as the promise of a safe return back home.

The assassin infiltrated the castle as one of the guards and rode with King Roman to patrol the border of the southern lands.

When the westerner had gotten Roman alone he attacked expecting to kill him quickly, but the king being young and swift dodged his attack. Locked in a battle together the assassin could feel his chances of success slipping. At the exact moment, King Roman raised his sword to deliver the final blow the assassin plunged a sword straight through the King's heart.

Not wanting to leave evidence the assassin dumped the king in a nearby pool of crystal clear water. His armor rapidly sank him to the bottom leaving a trail of blood flowing to the top.

When the Queen Azalea found out her husband had never returned she rode out to find him. Instead, she found his horse Nox standing by a collection of rocks. When she went to take Roman's beautiful black horse she saw the red blood that swirled in the water. Dropping to her knees, desperately she threw her arms in trying to clear away the obstruction. Tears blocked her vision of the water as she looked for him. The royal guards found her right before she jumped in the pool herself.

For three days she sat covered in the blood of her lover letting it stain her. Just before sunrise on the third day Nox rest his head in Lorena's lap dying of heartbreak. That was the day the blood turned black and the Queen's cry could be heard around the four kingdoms. She vowed to get retribution for her lover's death. And that she would find him again in her next life.

The people who could afford it would utter Obitus before throwing a piece of silver in the pool hoping he might come for his Queen. When Azalea came and whispered Amica Mea throwing in her crown, people think he did.

She died the next day.

The once lively forest turned barren and dark anyone who enters never leaves and the ones who are lucky enough to escape tell stories of shadows in the dark. They speak of a murky pool with the words Amica Mea carved around it and dead oak trees that whisper Obitus. Centuries later the southern queen's are always born with an inexplicable rage, the north a bitter heart, and the forest remains empty.

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