Sun And Moon Meet Clipsy And Lulu

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*It was a normal day in Sun and Moon's home, Sun was watching TV and just trying to relax until Moon called him and told him to meet him in the daycare for a small experiment. Sun finds it weird but agrees since it's his brother, Once Sun gets to the daycare, he then takes the way to get through the rooms by going through the poster in the daycare theater, once Sun gets into their old room, he climbs up the ladder and reaches the ledge over the ball pit where Moon is standing*

Sun: So, you said you wanted to do some experiment?

Moon: Yeah. Y'know, how we have an "Eclipse" problem?

Sun: Yeah?

Moon: Well, Earth is trying its best to comfort Lunar and Solar is out trying to find Eclipse so I was thinking of going to another dimension to find another Eclipse to help us

Sun: Another Eclipse...? Seriously...? OK, let me see if I'm understanding this go to another talk to an see if he can help us...?

Moon: Yeah. I know we've had bad experiences in the past with the other Eclipses except for Solar and that other Nice Eclipse with a Lunar but...this one could help us. Plus, I was thinking they could stay with us as well.

Sun: Wait what?

Moon: The dimension we're going to is kinda a runaway dimension. Let me explain. In the dimension, Eclipse and Lunar are prototypes of us for another Pizza Plex, eventually the whole place got shut down for an unknown reason and everyone was getting decommissioned, Eclipse didn't want that so he and Lunar packed up and they ran away.

Sun: Really? How are they surviving? Don't they need to charge like us?

Moon: Yeah, they do. Eclipse used car batteries so he and Lunar could charge. To get money, Eclipse took up sketchy jobs and lived in rental motels for a bit but, when Eclipse and Lunar were no longer being tracked, Eclipse found a semi-permanent home for both of them.

Sun: How did they get money for that? Was it the sketchy jobs Eclipse was doing?

Moon: Yeah but once they got the home, Eclipse decided to continue getting sketchy jobs but also get non-sketchy ones. Lunar eventually felt bad so he decided to start a YouTube channel like we did.

Sun: Really?!

Moon: Yeah. It's called the Eclipse And Lunar Show, kinda of how our Eclipse and Lunar called it. The only difference is that they didn't take our bodies. Lunar wanted to make the show to earn extra revenue for both of them. Of course, just like before, Eclipse keeps Lunar maintained though he hates it not because it's boring like our Lunar thought but because that dimension's Lunar had bad experiences in the past with maintenance but that's also the reason why that Eclipse has gotten so good at it so he could do it for both of them.

Sun: Wow...

Moon: Anyway, enough chit-chat. Ready to go?

Sun: Ready!

Moon: Computer, active the portal

Computer: Portal activated

Moon: 3, 2, 1, go.

*Moon and Sun jump into the portal and they teleport into the dimension but they don't appear in the daycare, instead they teleport into some kind of house who do they see but Echo and Lulu playing? Moon and Sun see and their faces are filled with shock since they have never seen any type of Eclipse or Lunar this happy before. Even though Echo and Lulu were struggling, they were happy. Eventually, Echo and Lulu notice Sun and Moon*

Sun: Hi...?

*Echo gets in front of Lulu in a protective stance*

Moon: Hey, hey, it's okay. We're not here to hurt either of you. We're from another dimension.

Lulu: Another dimension?!

*Lulu's eyes ga stars in them as he looks at Moon with adoration*

Moon: Yeah...?

*Lulu runs up to Moon*

Lulu: Wow! Wow! Wow! You guys look so cool!

Sun And Moon: Thanks...?

Lulu: I'm Lunar and this is my big brother, Eclipse!

*Echo waves*

Moon: I'm Moon and this is my brother, Sun.

Echo: Lulu, give them some space.

Lulu: Sorry brother!

*Lulu backs away to give Sun and Moon room to breathe not that they need to*

Sun: "Lulu"?

Lulu: Mhm! That's the nickname CC gave me!

Moon: "CC"?

Clipsy: Yeah...Lulu gave me that one.

Moon: Oh ok...Anyway...we're here to give you two an offer!

Echo: An offer? What kind of offer?

Moon: Well, I heard that both you and Lunar are struggling to maintain yourselves especially since both of you are on the run. So, I wanted to offer you two to stay in our dimension where you'll be semi-safe

Echo: Semi-safe?

Sun: Yeah, we kind of have a Bloodmoon, Our Eclipse and Stitchwraith problem...

Echo: Ah...

Sun: BUT! The good news is that none of them have caused any issues yet!

Moon: That's true.

Echo: And why should we stay with animatronics we just met?

Moon: Think about it, both of you won't have to run anymore, you'll get "fed", get a proper maintenance check from myself and our cousin, as well as you'll have a stable place to live and a job if you choose to!

Lulu: Oooh! That sounds awesome! We have to do it, brother!

Echo: Are you sure, Lulu...?

Lulu: Yeah!

Echo: Okay fine...go pack up...

Lulu: Yay! *Lunar runs into his room to go pack*

Moon: Me, Sun, myself and everyone else will protect both you and Lunar as best as we can.

Echo: I'll hold you to that, Moon

*Moon nods*

*Echo then goes to pack up his things as Sun and Moon wait for both Echo and Lulu, a few minutes later, they come back, they follow Sun and Moon into the portal, and then they teleport into the daycare ball pit*

Lulu: Woah...this looks a lot like our daycare, brother! Just...smaller...

Clipsy: Yeah...

Sun: You guys had a bigger daycare?

Lulu: Mhm! Well, kind of. It was more of a playcare.

Sun: Playcare?

Echo: Yeah, it was an orphanage. Some kids went missing and since the company couldn't find who was behind it, they had to shut down and decommission all of the animatronics within the whole pizza plex.

Sun: I see. Well, regardless. Both of you will be somewhat safe here.

Echo: Thank you, Sun.

Sun: Uh, yeah! No problem!

Moon: Hm, I think I have an idea of where we could temporarily put you guys. We could put you in our old temporary daycare? Our sister and our Lunar live there but I'm sure they won't mind having you two there.

Echo: I guess that'll do.

Moon: Great! Follow us!

SAMS AU: Lunar + Eclipse Are Another Plex's Daycare Attendant (s)Where stories live. Discover now