chapter 1 |

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January 7th 2022

The last couple of days have been very hard for tyra.
Not only did she work too hard,she also didn't spend as much as much time with her friends and family members as she wanted.

Once again she was sitting in the studio trying to write a song but nothing came to her mind.

Incoming call from:Jordyn💕
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"Hey girl how you doing" Jordyn greeted her best friend.
"I'm alright you?" She responded
"Ty I know you long enough to see that you're not alright, tell me the truth."

"I'm so exhausted I've been working since 4pm and its almost 9pm." she took a deep breath and closed her eyes.

"Bae I think you should lay down a bit and work in the morning take a pause."

"you're right im heading home, I'll call you later" she yawned

"Aight see you later" she hung up

After I came home all I did was removing my make up,putting on my pjs and doing some skin care.

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Sorry for the short chapter!!!
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