Evans pov:

As i sit on the floor i nodice his room was really messy. Like at the very least put your dirty clothes in a pile, gosh. "Sorry if this sound a bit rude, but Do you ever clean your room?" I ask. He nods and continues playing. I role my eye's in annoyance.

Gregorys pov:

Once I finished the round, I trun and look at evan. He seems to be staring at me. "What?" I say in a annoyed tone. "Uh.. Nothing!" Evan said and he looks away. "Okay then.. So, whats something you do for fun i guess?" "Well I uh- i do ballet.." I start quietly chucking "yeah? Thats kipnda funny you know" The boy nods, seeming to be quite a bit embarrassed. "Evan! Time to go home!" I hear a deep voice call from downstairs. Then the boy stood up and started to walk out then stoped and handed me a peace of paper. He then walks out of my room.
I open the paper and its a phone number, his i assume. I grab my phone and put in the number.

Evans pov:

I walked home with mike, when suddenly he picks me up. "Mikeyyyyy! Im not a baby! I can walk by myself!" I rase my voice a bit. "To bad, your clearly tired. Did you even sleep last night?" I stay silent. "Thats what i thought. Im not Puting you down until we're in your room young man." I role my eye's and put my head on his shoulder.

Micheals pov:

After we're about halfway home evan had fallen asleep. "I knew he was tired" i thought to myself and continued to walk back home.

Once they got home (im lazy rn)

I unlock the door and carry evan to his room, laying him on his bed. Then i go to elizabeths room. "Elizabeth, you awake?" I dont get an answer. Scanning the room I see elizabeth asleep on the floor. I picked her up and put her in bed. Then go downstairs to sit on the couch.

Done, chapter 3 is soon>:3

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