Chapter 1

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With a yawn, the light being arose from his slumber.

He stretched his arms out over his head, cracking them in the process and grunting from the sound more than the feeling. He brought his arms down and sat in his bed for a minute or so, groggy.

He turned his head to the left, hearing and feeling the crack, then doing the same on the right side. He cracked his fingers as well, yawning more time, before finally tossing his legs out from his covers, over the side of his bed.

This was a decision Light almost immediately regretted. The floor was freezing cold. Actually, his entire room was freezing cold.

"Why is it so cold?" Light thought to himself, wrapping his thinner blanket around himself as he pulled himself out of bed.

He stood up, walking over to the closet and shuffling through it before pulling out a long sleeved turtleneck, one that he only had in case of emergencies. He put it on over his plain white sleep shirt, not wanting to take it off and having to embrace the cold further.

He also pulled out a gray pair of pants, slipping out of his night pants swiftly and replacing them with the gray pants. Light shivered from the cold, deciding this wasn't enough clothing.

He had dropped the blanket by now as he rummaged through his closet one more time.

Light's search was however interrupted by the repeated knock on his door. It was in a three sequence with a pause, followed by two rapid knocks. This was the internal signal that was put in place for needing entrance as soon as possible.

"You can come in!" Light called out to whoever was on the other side of the door, continuing to rummage through his closet. The person behind the knocking must of heard him, as the door knob was immediately turned and the door swung open, immediately being closed behind them.

"Light! Light, there's something you got to see. It's urgent. Why is it so cold in here?"

The voice belonged to the Indigo Leader, Hibiscus. Light was very familiar with him, they were good friends.

"What's wrong Indigo? I don't know why it's cold in here, I just woke up." Light pulled out a light gray sweater as he spoke, putting it on over his turtleneck, approaching the armour stand where his armour lay.

"There's someone - something, on the outskirts of the kingdom, me and Blue went to go on a walk, and it was just standing on the other side of the gate. We shooed it off but we think it's still around."

Light hummed in understanding, putting his armour on piece by piece, which only filled Indigo's anxiety more. Finally, he picked up his spear and shield, slipping his spear into it's holder on his back.

"Let's go then."

Indigo nodded, opening the door again and walking out, Light following right behind and closing the door behind him.

They walked down the hall in silence until they were at the end of the hall, where they met up with the Blue Leader, Cloud.

"Blue! I got Light." Indigo said, running up to Blue and taking his hand. Blue nodded, looking over at Light.

"So? What did it look like while we head over there?" Light asked, heading for the stairs, Indigo and Blue following right behind him.

"It was tall, like freakishly tall. Taller than three of us put together. And thin, about as thin as a stick. It's arms and legs were anyways, it's torso not so much but it was still thin. It's face was- nightmarish..there was nothing where it's eyes were supposed to be, and it's mouth was just always curled up in a smile."

By the time Blue was done explaining, they were outside the citadel, heading towards the entrance. Light took the information in, painting an image of what this creature looked like in his head.

"That's..concerning. It certainly doesn't fit the description of any creature of seen. Did it have a defining colour or colours?" Light asked, looking back at Blue and Indigo for a moment before turning back around and walking.

"It was..pitch black. Like the darkness." Indigo answered, his grip on Blue's hand tightening, to which Blue just held on protectively. 

Light took a deep breath. The darkness? That had been a looming problem, the whole reason this kingdom had been built. If they had managed to accumulate into a being of that level, the fear it could bring to everyone in this world.

"We have to take care of this swiftly. No one else can know of it, is that understood?" Light asked, stopping in front of the gate out, turning his head over his shoulder to look at Indigo and Blue.

They both nodded their heads.

Light nodded his as a sign of understanding. He looked up to the gate guard and gave him the signal to open the gate.

The gate rolled up slowly, revealing the world outside the walls of the kingdom they spent so much to build up and keep safe.

On the other side, everything seemed normal, as peaceful as it had been for a long time. Light and the two leaders stepped out slowly, cautiously.

They looked around, trying to find any signs of the creature that Indigo and Blue had found. That's when Indigo spoke up.

"There! At your 11 o'clock Light!" Light's head snapped to his left slightly and there it was, just as Blue had described it.

Standing between the tree line, a creature that stood almost the same height as the tree's surrounding it, almost invisible if it weren't for those practically glowing teeth of it's, currled up into a freakish smile.

Light took a step back, but it didn't matter, the thing was almost as fast as sound. It ran at Light, and before Indigo or Blue had the chance to scream, it had taken him.

Indigo and Blue were left, frozen from fear, Light gone. The only thing remaining from him, the only hint that he was there to begin with, was his spear, that fell with a soft sound onto the grass beneath them.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05 ⏰

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