When The Moon Rises: Chapter 1

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"A full moon." I said, a small smile made its way onto my face. It was a beautiful cloudless night, you could clearly see the stars sparkling in the midnight sky as they kept the moon company.

I sighed, slightly in content but more in annoyance. On the night of a full moon I usually leave to be alone, away from the world and all its problems, but mostly to calm the beast inside me. I shiver at the thought of it and how I got it.

Trying to push the memories to the back of my mind I look down at the streets of New Orleans making sure my target doesn't get away. 'This was meant to be my night off, I shouldn't be here right now.' I think on a sigh, praying the I don't lose control or slip up and do something i'll regret later.

My past is a blur, I can't really remember anything about it, all I remember is my name and date of birth. I was in an accident a few years ago when I was nineteen , I remember the accident, getting hit by a car isn't really something you can forget. I remember a little boy with black curly hair and grey eyes that sometimes looked a deep shade of brown.

I smile when I think about him, at some point I thought he was my son, but the doctors reassured me that he was my baby brother when I woke up in the hospital. I was apparently from England, came here with my family, well apparently my dad, step-mum and baby brother. I was in a coma for  about two months, I guess they gave up on waiting for me to wake up because the doctors said that they had left the second week of my coma. They said that they'd called my dad and told him that i'd woken up but by the time they'd come, I'd left. Well I hadn't actually left willingly more like kidnapped by some really weird people, call them fanatics I guess, they experimented on me.

Shaking my head roughly I tried to get rid of the memories, when I suddenly heard my ear piece crackle with static then a voice, "Melissa, you in place lass?" A rough Scottish voice rang in my ear. I sighed again, something I tend to do a lot when I'm partnered with Ethan.

"Yeah i'm in place lover boy, where the hell are you?" I asked spying my target as he walked out with a blond busty numbe,r literally dragging him into the alley way that was in between the building I was standing on, laughing.

Ethan David Macoy, six foot two of nothing but deliciousness, with smoldering grey eyes, brown feathered hair that reached just below his chin and five hundred and twelve pounds of godly muscle. Did I mention that he's two hundred and thirty-two year old Lykae? No? Well he is and he's a manhore who has every girl falling for him, well, apart from me.

Oh, well I should probably also mention that I'm a supernatural assassin, kind of, but we're more like the supernatural police sometimes, who works at a private company called 'Immortal Survival',  with supernatural beings as my co-workers. From Lykae's -who are another form of werewolves, more lupin then actual wolf-, to Witches, Valkyries, Nymphs, Demons etc. It's really hectic, but its home. They don't exactly know that I'm not human.

"Mmm." Was his reply, it sound more like a growl.

"What are you 'mmming' at now Macoy?" I ask obviously annoyed.

"Just admiring how bloody amazing your arse looks from back here." He says in on a hungry growl.

Spinning around I glare at him from under my lashes, refusing to crane my neck up to look at him properly, my five foot six nothing compared to his six foot two stature.

Slowly smirking, his gaze drops to my lips as he licks his own probably trying to imagine what I taste like, rolling my eyes I cross my arms over my chest, "Now here I was thinking that a broken nose and a swift kick to the balls had you learning your lesson," looking him over once I grin at his grimace and shrug, "-Guess not." Making a show of turning back around I bite back a laugh as I hear him groan like he's in pain as I lean over the ledge, careful not to show myself to are target. Stupid Demon, but even more so, stupid human, did she not realize that this guys dangerous? Sighing, I shake my head again, dangerous guys, I let myself smile a little, the best kind.

Sensing Macoy come up behind me, I shift a little felling kind of uncomfortable at him still staring at my ass. "Aye lass, I remember," I lean over the ledge trying to judge the distance to the ground. He growls, "I still have to pay you back for that-" A pause, I shifted again but this time to move my hair out of my eyes, "-and I'll be doing that with a good. hard. spanking." As he said the last word, I felt his hands come down hard on my ass, he groans at the sound and feel. Gasping I jump up quickly turning around to face him so I can punch him in the nose, but I suddenly lose my footing and fall over the edge of the building. Flailing my arms trying to get a hold of something I hear a scream from below, it's the woman who was with the demon, "Melissa!" I can barely hear Ethan's voice over the sound of my own heartbeat.

I vaguely see Ethan's hand miss mine.

Time seems to slow down, I blink looking up at Ethan shocked face as I slowly plummet to the ground, I blink again feeling the hold I had on my other side break, I turn to see the concrete come rushing towards me and I raise my hands to my face as I close my eyes.

There was a blinding white light as my other half breaks free, I hear gun shots ring out, the next thing I know I'm waking up in the medical room in the agency. "Shit."


Hey! I hope you guys enjoyed that, I worked REALLY hard on it so please comment and rate and i'll update as soon as I can! :)

P.S. I will not be updating until I have at least 6-7 comments and/or votes. I just would like to know if anyone actually likes this story.

Sabie!!! <3 ;)

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