Effortlessly Perfect

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He takes my hand and a silent chill rolls up my spine. He is gorgeous and I shouldn't have him. I honestly don't deserve him. He is sweet, funny, smart, athletic and totally hot. Yet he seems to always pick me, some crazy, impulsive, impatient girl who doesn't do sports and isn't in the high classes and who spends most of her time eating and sleeping. I don't get it. I roll out of bed, yet still wrapped tightly in my blanket of thoughts. Looking out my window, I watch a young couple walking by on the far sidewalk of my street. Someday I hope to have that with Tyler. Hand in hand, going block to block to spread our sweet romantic aura to those who see us. Maybe they will think what I'm thinking now. They will see through the fights and arguments and work. To the better things like affection, hugs, kisses, and walks like these. They will think about us like I think about the couple-effortlessly perfect. As I realize 3 minutes have ticked by, I rush to school. To the boy with brown eyes and little green flecks scattered around his pupils. Otherwise known as my neighbor, where you can connect the dots in his eyes if you looked closely. He is effortlessly perfect. He tells me that I am too. I just hide my beauty behind a wall of false imperfections. Something I use to quickly and discretely discard complements. Brushing them off like a pesky bee.
I can't wait to get on to the bus stop and hear him say three words. Three simple words that can define a future, open a heart, or start new life.
"I love you"
And those three words stand alone in the tense air as we wait for a response. Anything. We beg for reactions. That's what life is all about right? Reactions to reactions to reactions and so on. All that we say and do inspires others to say and do. Whether it be good or bad.
All the darkness building up can melt away with this one phrase. I grab my bag and start out the door. He is already waiting for me. The ever so amazing Tyler is waiting for ME. Some worthless Netflix addict is being waited on by a male model who has glowing blonde hair, ruffled by the wind. He takes my hand and a silent chill rolls up my spine. Just like in my dream. He is gorgeous and I shouldn't have him. But I do. And I cherish that every day.
"Hello Beautiful."
"Hey handsome."
He draws me in to hug me.
"I love you." And there go the knees. Cupid has struck me so many times, I'm immune to his sweet poison.
"I love you too." I reply and he grins.
"I love you more."
"Are we really doing this?"
"No. But I want you to know that I will love you forever." And I look up into his constellation eyes.
"How long is forever?"
"Let's see." And as the bus pulls up and we board the dirt caked steps, I realize that we haven't let each other go. Even though he is a god and I am a lowly peasant, we can look past our differences and love each other to the longest extent-forever. That reminds me of the couple walking by. And how we could be just like them-Effortlessly Perfect.

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