✩Chapter 9✩

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"my eyes widen once I see a hickey on my neck"

Stan's POV:

My face turns red and I touch it gently. "oh my gosh.." I immediately grab my phone and call Kyle.

He answers almost immediately. I didn't even say hi before I said rather so quickly, "Kyle, you gave me a hickey and my dad saw it and now he wants to meet you thinking we're a gay couple."

"wait- what!?" I hear him say confused. "say that again but slower?"

I sigh and repeat myself slowly "you gave me a hickey. My dad saw it. Now he wants to meet you, thinking we're a gay couple."

"..." silence.

Kyle's POV:

I stand there in silence. Trying to process the whole thing. This was all so much information givin at the same time.

I gave Stan a hickey? What does that mean? His dad thinks we're a gay couple? I wish- are we? I can't go over there, I am a vampire!

So many thoughts filled my mind, it all got interrupted once I hear Stan's lovely voice speak,

"dude? You still there?" he asked with a hint of worried-ness (idk if that's a word, don't come at me 😤🙏) in his voice.

"huh? Oh uh- yeah, yeah... What are we going to do?" I ask nervously.

"I think I have a plan." he said, I nod my head but remember I'm on the phone. "what is it?" I ask as I sit down on a log.

"I can borrow my mom's makeup to make you look more... Human-ish" I chuckle softly.

"what about my ears and outfit?" I ask. "uhh.. Shit, do you have like a hat or anything?"

"oh I do! I have an ushanka hat, I use to wear it a lot to cover my hair." I said and get up, I found my ushanka hat right where I left it, in a box I had with all my stuff.

"Great, wear that and I'll get you some of my clothes to use."

"sounds like a plan." I smile and lay down on a wooden bed, wasn't the best, but I could still get a good night's rest.

"Mhm, wait. What about the dating thing? What will we do about that?" He asked me. I bit my tongue, not knowing what to say.

"shit. Well we can just say I was just playing around and kinda went to far?"
I suggest, facepalming myself afterwards.

I hear him chuckle, "you're lucky my dad believes every thing." I chuckle and shake my head.

"okay now we can call it a plan, see you tomorrow dude" he said.

"see you tomorrow." I reply. The call ended. I couldn't help but feel lonely without hearing his voice. It was just so comforting.

I soon enough fall into slumber with Stan on my mind.


In the morning the sunshine beems on my eyes, I groan and sit up. I check the time and it's 7 in the morning. I know I should be getting ready so that's exactly what I will do.

I grab my hat and put it on, it covers my ears perfectly. I will have to try my best to hide my fangs. I take a deep breath before heading off.

Stan's POV:

I finished getting ready for the day. I quietly go in my mother's room and get her makeup before running off into my room.

I close the door and put it to the side. I open my window and walk to the bathroom that was in my room.

I turn on the sink and splash some water on my face, trying to wake up more.

As I did so I felt a pair of hands cover my eyes "guess who" He whispers, it was obviously Kyle. But it still made me chuckle.

"Hey Kyle" I smile and turn around. "Hey Stan" he said and leaned his head on my shoulder.

"I got the makeup just sit down and Ill put it on" I say.

He nods and sits down on a chair, I open the makeup and started to put some on him. I wasn't the best but we just needed to cover some things, so it wasn't hard.

~timeskip bc I'm lazy~

After, I tell him to open his eyes, he does what I say and smiles at me. "well.. Do I look human?" he asked. I nod my head "yes, yes you do" I chuckle and Pat his arm.

"okay now all you need to do is get changed into some of my clothes, they're on the bed so go get it and change" I explain and open the door.

"okay" He grabs my clothes and started changing. I pretend not to watch, but I think you know I was.

His back faced me so it's not like he would notice. I bite my bottom lip and admir him, not in a creepy way though.

I look him up and down, checking him out. He finished getting changed and turns around.

I still don't look away, I want him to know what I was doing. Give him a hint.

Kyle's POV:

Stan was watching me get changed? My cheeks turn red in embarrassment, but I didn't say anything about it, Neither did he.

He gives me a soft smirk, making my heart race like crazy. I clear my throat "Do I look good?" I ask. He nods "you look amazing."

I smile, "thank you." "your welcome" Stan holds my hand and walks to the window. "okay now, just show up at the front door instead of my window. If they ask why you're here so early just say you had nothing better to do, okay?"

I nod and hug him "okay..thank you Stan, for everything." I whisper. He wraps his arms around my waist and hugs me back tight.

“your welcome..” He mumbled and buried his face into my shoulder. “I love you, Stan Marsh.” i say in my head. I wanted to say it out loud, I really did. But I knew I shouldn't. He would never like me back.

“damn dude.. You have a nice ass..” he mumbles with a smirk. My eyes widen and my face gets hot and red. “STAN!!” I scream in embarrassment.

He chuckles and covers my mouth with his fingers “shh.. Youre gonna get us caught” I blush more. That a weird way to say it..

I nod and look at his fingers that touched my lips. He takes them back and smiles at me “see you in like a couple minutes” he chuckled.

“see you” and with that I jump out the window, landing on my feet. I go to the door and knock on it.

Word count: 1125!

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