A New Beginning

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Han took a deep breath as he looked up at the 10 story tall dorm building in front of him. This was finally it - his first day of college and the start of his new life as an adult.

All around him, other freshmen were saying goodbye to their parents and moving boxes of belongings into the building. Han hugged his mother one last time, feeling a lump of sadness at leaving home but also excitement to finally escape it.

"Call me if you need anything," his mother said, giving him an extra squeeze.

Han promised he would, as he picked up the handle of his largest suitcase and wheeled his other bags behind him into the dorm lobby.

The crazy space was filled with students checking in at the front desk and hauling boxes and bags up and down the stairs. Han felt overwhelmed by it all as he searched for his room number. Finally spotting 216, he began the trek up two flights of stairs, his arms already aching from dragging his luggage.

Reaching the right floor at last, Han navigated down the hall peering at numbers until he found 216. Taking a breath, he knocked on the door and called out


A muffled voice responded "Come in!"

Han turned the doorknob and pushed open the door, taking in the small dorm room before him. Against the far wall was a bed covered in red sheets, and sat atop it was a blonde-haired boy busy unpacking a box of clothes into the dresser drawers.

The boy turned around with a bright smile that lit up his whole face.

"Hi! You must be my new roommate. I'm Felix," he said in an Australian accent, hopping off the bed to greet Han.

"I'm Han," he replied, momentarily stunned by Felix's good looks and deep voice. Felix reached out to take one of Han's bags, relieving him of the weight.

"Here, let me help you get settled in." Han didn't move because he was so entranced into his looks.

"You okay there?" Hans face flushed as he realized he had been staring longer than normal.

"Yeah sorry, you just have something on your face." Han lied through his teeth.

"Oh thanks for letting me know, I'll go to the bathroom and-" Felix was interrupted

"Oh no need for that, it's gone" Jisung gave a smile.

"Gone already?" Felix raised an eye brow.

"Uh yeah it fell off." Jisung felt nervous he wouldn't believe him.

"Whatever you say man" jisung sighed. He believed me.


Over the next hour, Felix and him talked as they arranged Han's side of the room. Han was quieter but found himself enjoying Felix's bubbly personality and as he saw it, his pretty laugh.

When they had finished unpacking the essentials, Felix suggested they venture to the cafeteria for dinner before it closed. Han agreed and they walked out together.

As they walked across campus together, Felix pointed out important buildings and told stories about his hometown in Australia. Han laughed along, starting to feel more at ease. When they entered the bustling dining hall, Felix led the way confidently to the food lines.

"So are you a sophmore? I didn't think they paired freshman with elder grades." Jisung said as they waited in line."

"Oh no, I just have had an good friend of mine who is a junior, and I used to come here to hang out with him. His name is Chan. He is like my brother from another mother."

"That's also how I know this place so well."


After loading their trays with pizza, fries and drinks, Felix spotted some empty seats at a table in the center of the room. "Come sit with me and my friends," he offered with a smile. Han agreed, grateful Felix was making an effort to include him.

They sat down across from two other boys deep in conversation. "Changbin, Seungmin - this is my new roommate Han," Felix introduced. Han waved shyly as the others greeted him.

"Hi, I'm Jisung, Han Jisung." He said giving them a cheeky smile.

"Well hi Jisung, Han Jisung" Jisung giggled a little in embarrassment.

"I'm Changbin, and this is Seungmin." Changbin said smiling.

"He is my boyfriend" Jisung chocked on his food a little.

"Boyfriend?" Jisung ask

Changbin immediately assumed jisung was asking for the purpose of hating, so he became frustrated.

"Yes, he is my Boyfriend, Is the a problem with you." Changbin gritted his teeth.

"Hey" Seungmin rubbed his arm "It's okay, just because he asked doesn't mean he is hating.

Changbin immediately cooled down at the sight of his pretty boyfriend.

"Your right I'm sorry." Changbin faces Jisung "Why is it you ask again"

"Well, do people accept that here? Like I-if I were Gay?"

Felix, Changbin, and Seungmin all look around at each other before bursting out in laughter.

"Oh honey we knew you been gay. You can't come in her wearing skinny jeans and a Calvin Klein T-shirt and not know"

Jisungs ears start to turn red "You all knew"

"Gays know gays. And for the record, most people around here a chill with it. You'll know when they're not."

As they keep chatting away, jisung is overwhelmed with a felling of excitement. Maybe this was a sign that college wouldn't be so scary after all, Han thought, glancing at Felix chatting animatedly beside him.

His roommate certainly seemed like someone Han could see being by his side through all of this. Maybe more than a freind?


Heyyy guyyyssss <333

This is my second Fan Fiction as requested!!!... Anybody got any theory's for upcoming chapter's???

GET TO KNOW YOUR AUTHOR FUN FACT OF THE DAY: (feel free to add question in the comments)

February 1st was mine and my girlfriends one year anniversary!!!

See you soon stay,


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