Ch 2. Hope's Peak Academy and new friends

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Hope's Peak. A school for talented individuals to learn and hone their skills. They say that if you graduate, you will be set for life. It also build to bring hope around the world, which is kinda fitting for the name.

The only way to attend is be scouted by Hope's Peak themselves. It doesn't matter what kind of talent is as long that you are good at it. However there is a way for ordinary people to attend.

Each year Hope's Peak sent out a lottery and whoever got it is the Ultimate Lucky Student.

Which is how Makoto Neagi made it to Hope's Peak. He was standing near the gate while admire the building. He had heard things of this school and he was amazed. But even then he wasn't really interested going to school until his family convince him...that and he needs friends.

But he would be lying if he said that he wasn't curious. So the fact that he was now an Ultimate meaning that he will study in Hope's Peak and meet his future classmates who are talented in their own way.

"But seriously, Ultimate Lucky Student? How the fuck is luck a talent?" Makoto said with sigh. "But I don't make the rules so I have to deal with it."

He pull out the letter from his pocket and it says that the entrance ceremony is at the gymnasium and will start at 8 o'clock am.

"Well time to get going." Makoto put the letter back and went to the gymnasium. When he got there, he saw that are only 15 people are here.

'Well guess it should be expected.' Makoto thought. 'I mean is it really hard to find talented people who were consider to be Ultimate.'

After a couple of minutes the entrance ceremony begin as the headmaster came up the stage and began his speech. Makoto listen to the headmaster speech but he got bored. After a the speech a teacher came up to the stage with a piece of paper.

"Hello everyone! My name is Chisa Yukizome, I'm one of the teachers here and I am the former Ultimate Housekeeper." Chisa introduced herself with a smile. "Now I'll say your name and your Ultimate. Please say anything if your name is called."

Chisa began to name call the students as Makoto observed to know of his now classmates.

'Alright so we got Hifumi Yamada, The Ultimate Fanfic Creator. He looks like a...weeb. God I still dislike that word. I think he and Nogla would get along just fine. And also how the hell is his legs not crushed by his fatass? We got Byakuya Togami, The Ultimate Affluent Progeny. Oh god he's one of those rich people who thinks that their above anyone and see them nothing more then a peasant or something...I'm gonna mess the shit out of him.' Makoto thought as he continues to observe the rest.

'We got Aoi Asahina, The Ultimate Swimming Pro. She looks like a energetic person...and god damn is she thicc as hell! Anyway we got Chihiro Fujisaki, The Ultimate Progammer. She seems to have a personality of small bunny...must protect her at all cost. We got Celestia Ludenberg, The Ultimate Gambler. Hm, she seems a liar type of people. Better keep an eye on that bitch.' Makoto narrow his eyes slightly as he notice some isn't a bit social.

'We got Toko Fukawa, The Ultimate Writing Prodigy...she looks like she needs therapy...a LOT of therapy but...why do I sense killing intent in her? Gotta keep an eye on her as well. Next we have Kyoko Kirigi, The Ultimate Detective...why do I sense daddy issue in her? Does she have a terrible relationship with her father? Need to ask her about that but I doubt it will be easy. Ok we have Kiyotaka Ishimaru, The Ultimate Moral Compass. He looks like one of those "abid by the rules" type of people. But I think he means well.' Makoto continue to his observation.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16 ⏰

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