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Author: so as you know I already leave a hint at the chapter 3 I don't know if you all see it

Areum: wah now I see how author is smart but not in class-

Author: lucky I made you opposite to me

Shan-eun:alright author let's continue the story now mmhh?

Author:yeah... Yeah let's do that... And oh... GOODLUCK😈....

They where shock that on-jo pushed areum. "areum stay away that was supposed to be na-yeon not you" on-jo said as she realised areum was the one she pushed.

"why would you pushed na-yeon thats a bit rude doesn't?" dae-su said looking at on-jo "no I didn't mean it that way" she said "na-yeon just say sorry to gyeong-su... She even clean his wound" dae-su said he was so confused why would on-jo want to push the girl.

Everyone was looking at them not saying any words just observe what happened. "that's what I'm saying! She clean gyeong-su's wound" on-jo said this put everyone look at her confusedly.

"on-jo if you say that your jealous-" before dae-su could reply on-jo cut him "no I'm not jealous" on-jo said 'why would she be jealous if she gave me her name tag' a certain twin mumbled to himself.

"dae-su let on-jo explain why would she pushed na-yeon" Mrs park said while dae-su nodded "on-jo please continue what you're saying" Mrs park look at on-jo.

Everyone was looking at on-jo now "well earlier when we were looking at gyeong-su by the window I notice na-yeon was not in her sit I look at the back seeing the class president and areum class president was sitting near us as she watch gyeong-su on her sit, areum was guarding the door I continue looking and I saw na-yeon wipe her handkerchief to that zombie blooded broken broom" on-jo explained what she witnessed.

Cheong-san was about to attack na-yeon as su-hyeok grab his arm and pull him away from na-yeon while na-yeon was still at areum's back hiding behind her.

"look there is no problem now-" areum says but cutted out by on-jo who slapped her making everyone shock "why would you even side with her, can't you see she's making gyeong-su turn into a zombie are you defending a murderer?" on-jo said not believe her close friend would side on someone who attempt to kill their other friend.

"so what if I'm defending her now what she did was right cleaning gyeong-su's hand and apologise to him" areum said looking at on-jo sternly before looking at gyeong-su for a response the boy nodded "when me and na-yeon are in the broadcasting room she really apologised to me and i apologise for my mistakes too" gyeong-su said everyone well except the Lim siblings didn't believe what they were hearing... Na-yeon apologise? Since when.

Before anyone can say anything nam-ra broke the silence "you put your handkerchief in your pocket" she said walking beside on-jo looking at na-yeon sternly but inside of her she was feeling something she can't explain when knowing areum was defending na-yeon "so what" nayeon replied "take it out" nam-ra said "why would I, is the class president really that important" na-yeon said before hearing a loud slap sound looking at the person who was slapped.

Areum shield na-yeon so unfortunately nam-ra slapped areum not na-yeon. Nam-ra didn't react as she was still feeling weird inside her this caught the Lim siblings attention well everyone's attention but especially the Lim siblings.

By seeing this na-yeon pulled her handkerchief out of her pocket "there happy" she said everyone was looking at the handkerchief that na-yeon holds.

"you see I was right" on-jo said seeing there was a blood on na-yeon's handkerchief "Yeah your right but that's-" areum was cut by her words "shut up we don't need your explanation defending a murderer is enough to know that your a fake friend of gyeong-su and us" on-jo said looking at areum irritatedly.

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