Ch. 1 Murder Mystery

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Today was the day we did the murder mystery in english class! I was so excited, I had been talking about it all day with my best friend, Alivea. Walking into the class, my eyes widened as my eyes scanned the room.

There was caution tape in the doorway, and on the ceiling. The smart board flashed red and blue lights with police sirens, the room was slightly dimmed, red (Fake Bloody) hand prints, and there was a picture of a cautioned out murder scene on the smart board.

On my way to my seat, I spun around slowly taking in the whole room.

'How long did it take for her to do all this?' I thought. 'Did she do it herself, or have help? Maybe after school yesterday?'

I take a seat, my feet dangling above the ground as I swing them back and forth. I watch my friend sit down and smile at her. She smiles back, making a small heart with her fingers, I make one back.

I watch the rest of the students walk in, all of them very in height. Some tall, some short, shorter than me even. Once the class is all seated, and the bell rings, and my attention turns to Mrs. K as she speaks,

"Alright everyone," She stands. A smile crawls across my face as my legs swing back and forth. "Let's get to solving this mystery, Shall we?" She smiled as she walked to the smart board.

I giggle quietly, and turn my attention to the board. She clicks the smart board, going through each slide as she speaks.

As she's explaining the murder mystery, the back story, and giving us clues, I space out, staring at the back of the head of my best friend.

As my mind is blank, out of nowhere I hear,


I flinch, looking up at the board, and Mrs. K is giggling.

"That scare you?" She smiled softly. My breath picked up a bit, and I'm a bit embarrassed from people looking at me. I glance up at her, and the look in her eyes makes me smile. She's so gentle and kind. I giggled lightly, nodding my head in agreement.

She continues her presentation, and the class starts roaring with questions. Students talking to others, I, in particular, am thinking to myself.

'That doesn't make any sense, how are we supposed to guess the killer with that little information?' I think. 'Maybe we get more hints?..'

I look up at Alivea to see her staring at me, and she laughs. She micmicks how I look as I was spaced out, then laughed again. I playfully rolled my eyes, and looked back at the board.

"Alright, so I need five groups of four for this project," I hear Mrs. K state.

Both me and Alivea's attention dart over to each other and we smile. We're both thinking the same thing.

'Partners?' I raise my eyebrow.

'Partners.' She nods.

I smirk with a nod.

"And I'm picking your partners."

We both freeze.

I glance up at Mrs. K, then both me and Alivea's heads fall on the desk and we groan from frustration. I look up at her, we both have a scowl on our face.

'This happens every time.' I can hear her think.

I know'! I say in my head, raising my eyebrows.

Both our heads fall back on the desk and we huff.

After a few moments of waiting, I got with the two people I didn't want to be with Plus one girl, I didn't really talk to, but she was cool. I silently groan and look over at Alivea who's holding back laughter, thinking it was funny I got paired with them, I glare at her.

"Alright everyone," Mrs. K, speaks with an accent. "Get with your group, and I'll give you the evidence you need to solve this case!" She smiled.

I get up reluctantly, glancing back at Alivea, who is still giggling. I roll my eyes and sit at the desk of the two boys, and the girl.

I glance awkwardly at Mrs. K, waiting for her to give us the papers, any excuse not to look at the two boys.

She handed us a big orange envelope that was sealed with evidence, and smiled at us. I looked at the kids sitting in front of me, then at the evidence.

'This is gonna be interesting.."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06 ⏰

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