Chapter 4

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We get off the train, following the stream of people rushing to get out

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We get off the train, following the stream of people rushing to get out. Some are dressed in nice suits and ready to go to work, while others wear school uniforms, much like ours. Mika chats about a boy band as we walk up the stairs to the streets outside, feeling the sun hit our faces. The gasoline smell hit me as a car sped past, making me scrunch my nose as I looked after it. As I listen to Mika, I notice the back of a tall boy ahead of us and recognize him as Kuroo. I have never seen him at this station either, even though I've been taking the same train for three years. Maybe it's true what I read in a book somewhere: you'll only notice certain people after taking an interest in them.

Not that I have an interest in Kuroo other than helping him and getting my recommendation letter. He is a handsome boy, but I don't know him well enough to be anything other than mildly interested in getting to know him. Not that I'll ever say that to Mika.

"So, have you scheduled the first tutoring lesson yet?" she raises a brow at me.

"Not yet. I plan on asking him today."

Mike brings her hand to her mouth, pretending to conceal her grin, "Ooh, you're eager."

"I just want to put it on my calendar for next week."

"You and that calendar. I swear you're going to marry it one day."

I bump her with my hip, "You can be my maid of honour."


We enter the classroom, already filled with conversations, and move to our seats. Kuroo is already sitting at his desk, chatting with some classmates.

"Good morning," I say as I walk behind him, moving to my desk.

"Good morning," he replies, glancing over at me, "Sleep well?"

I nod, "Yes, thanks for asking."

He moves off the desk and sits on the chair, still looking at me.

"I was wondering if we could schedule some tutoring if it's okay for you?" I sit down and reach for my calendar in my bag.

"Sure, when were you thinking?" he leans his chin in his palm.

I skip through some pages until I reach where I need to and pick up a pen.

"Whenever you're free after practice. I don't have any plans after dodgeball this week so we can do it whenever."

He nods, "I should be able to do any day. Practice sometimes runs late, but if that happens, I can text you, and if it's still not too late, I can meet you after?"

"Yeah, that's fine," I smile, "You have my number so that you can text me whenever."

His lips curve into a smirk, "You want me to text you?"

I grin, "I want you to text me if you're late for our lesson."

We agreed on two days this week and will wait to set up more for the week after in case we get other plans.


"Oh, my, God," Mika gasps at me, "You invited him to your house?"

I roll my eyes, "Yes, where else would we meet up?"

"Does that mean he's meeting your parents?"

She whispered loudly beside me as we made our way to the cafeteria.

"No, they're away this week, so I'm alone."

"Y/N! You're inviting a boy over to hang out alone?!"

I quickly hush her as people look at us while walking past, "I'm tutoring him, Mika. I'm not inviting him to hang out with me as friends or anything else. You need to calm down."

She sighs and follows me into the open room filled with laughter, "I can't be calm, he's so hot, and you're hanging out with him alone."

We find a table by a window, bring out our lunches, and eat.

Mika forgets about our earlier conversation and chats on about something else. It's nice having Mika around. I don't have to force conversation or pretend I love everything the other person does; she talks because she knows I listen but doesn't necessarily care for the topic. We are the prime example of opposites, and our friendship works because our differences weigh up against each other and even out what the other needs more.

"Do you have any plans this weekend? Other than reading, that is," Mika asks before taking a bite of her bento.

I shake my head, and she eagerly plans a girls' night on Saturday, which happens to be after one tutoring lesson with Kuroo. We plan to make dinner together and watch movies, something I'd take over a party any day. Mika knows what makes me uncomfortable, so she never forces me into something I wouldn't like, which is another thing I love about her.

"Since you refuse to see him as anything but someone you have to tutor, do you at least think you can be friends?" Mika finishes her bento and puts the lid back on, putting the box back in her bag.

The cafeteria is less cramped now, and people are leaving for their last classes of the day. I watch as a group of first-year students laugh and shove each other out the door, leaving me to stare after them.


It would be nice to have more friends.

It would be nice to have more friends

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