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3rd pov.

It was 6 in the morning when U.A student Midoriya was on his morning run with All Might who was at their meeting point, timing Izuku as training.

He truned left and saw All Might with a stopwatch in his hand watching Izuku's movement as he got closer although he wasn't the only on getting closer.

Out of a corner came another jogger and Izuku couldn't stop himself in time but neither could the random person.



A cloud of smoke apeared upon impact and All Might stopped the timer as he ran over to Izuku.

Am: "Young Midoriya?! Are you alright?!"

All Might waved his hands around to get rid of the smoke as he carefully treaded into it in fear of stepping on him. All tht could be heard was aa person coughing.

Am: "Civilian? re you alright?"

??: "U-Um yes...but I think the person you're calling out to isn't...."

By now majority of the smoke was cleared up so All Might looked into the direction of the voice on to see them with-

Am: "A Baby?"

??: "I-I used my quirk on him by accident, but I promise it's nothing harmful..."

All Might quickly assesed the situation and injuries, only a few scratches here and there. He quickly recognized the baby and sure enough, it was Izuku Midoriya.

All Might got some bandages and ointment for the random cvilian and helped them clean up their wounds. They were freaked out and embarassed and hesitant but agreed after All Might reasured them.

In the meantime the civilian explained their quirk to All Might while he finished wrapping the bandages on the civilian who thanked All Might and quickly said a thank you as he left a business card in case something happened otherwise before leaving with a wave.

All Might walked back to U.A with a passed out baby Izuku in his arms to Recvery Girl.

He gave her a quick rundown on the situation as she checked Izuku for any other abnormalities. All Might made quick haste to contact Inko who answered.

She as worried to say the least, All Might attempted to see if she'd pick him up but sadly for him, Inko was on a busness trip 6 hours away and wouldn't be able to go back to Mustafu 4 days later. All Might sighed and apologized for the trouble and Inko retuned it before hastly hanging up as she was called upon.

Half an hour went by and Izuku finally opened his eyes.

Izu: "Hm? W-where?"

RG: "Oh? You're awake?"

Izuku turned around only to find The Youthful Heroine: Recovery Girl.

He froze as he sat up.

Recovery Girl attempted to get his attention but to no avail so she stared at Izuku as he 'loaded'.

A minute paased by before Izuku finally snapped out of it.

Izu: "OMG! Aren't you The Youthful Heroine: Recovery Girl?! There's now way! Wait! Where's my notebook?! I want an auotograph if you are! Hold on. Why am I even near Recovery Girl? Am I hurt again? Awe Mommy's gonna cry again! Wait but recovery girl's quirk heals and barely leaves a scar so I should be able to hide it from mommy-"

Izuku was snapped out of his mumbling as RG pinched his cheek.

Izu: "I-I'm sorry was I mumbling again?"

"A Baby?" Baby Deku OneshotWhere stories live. Discover now