𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠-𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩

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a/n: you and nat are in a long-distance relationship (you live in paris). written with bw nat in mind because it's my fav era 🫶

Everyone's eyes are on Natasha as she's texting someone on her phone, a tiny lovesick smile on her face. She doesn't even notice that the entire room is looking at her; her mind is somewhere else, thousands of miles away from where she's sitting.

Steve glances at Clint, who's just standing there with his eyebrows raised in bewilderment.

"Natasha", he then says, slowly. She looks up from her phone, her cheeks tinted pink. "It's been half an hour. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine", she brushes it off.

"Sure you are. Who you texting?", Tony asks, craning his neck. She quickly turns her phone over so he can't see the screen. "Guys, she's hiding something."

"What's your problem?", she says, visibly irritated.

"No problem, just nosy."

"I can tell."

. . .

You keep glancing at your phone, waiting for Natasha to text you back. It's been almost ten minutes since she suddenly left you on read, and now she isn't responding anymore. That's the issue with having a long-distance relationship with an Avenger — you can never know when something will interrupt your already limited time together.

After another few minutes, you decide that waiting until she can respond to your messages isn't worth it. She'll text you again later, that's definite, so you put your phone aside before getting up to get ready for bed.

You walk into the small bathroom, where you wash your face, brush your teeth and put a pimple patch on the small red bump that's starting to grow on your temple. You brush your hair one last time, carefully untangling every single knot you can find.

When you return to your bedroom, you immediately look at your phone — and a new message from Natasha has popped up.

Natasha: sorry, tony and the other idiots started pestering me. you going to bed? — 11.24 pm

You: yes, soon. already got my pj's on. quick call before bed? <3 — 11.24 pm

Natasha: of course — 11.25 pm

Your phone starts ringing as Natasha calls you, and you quickly pick up.

"Hey, baby", her voice fills your ear through the speaker. Suddenly, she seems both close and far away. You swallow.

"Hey, love. Are you alone?"

"Yeah. No way I'm staying in the same room as them." She pauses. "How are you?"

"Good, actually. I mean, work's boring and it's still too hot here, but that's fine." You keep walking around your room, stopping in front of the window to look outside. "I miss you."

"I miss you too."

You quietly open the window, letting in the somewhat fresh air. Your neighbors have all closed their blinds, but the cityscape behind the buildings is radiating with tiny lights.

"You should come visit again", you say quietly, turning around and sitting down on your bed. "Summer's almost over here, I could take a few weeks off work...it would be nice."

Natasha doesn't respond right away. Not because she isn't in favor of your idea, not at all. It's just that, due to her busy schedule and unpredictable work hours, she never knows whether she can afford to do something spontaneous like that.

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