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*Star's POV*



You know how they say "No two stars are alike"? Well they certainly hit that nail on the head. Especially when referring to me, Star Kiara Parker.



People may not think I'm normal, but I know thousands of girls just like me we like to call ourselves, Directioners.




My parents are starting to worry about my "obsession" "addiction" when I think its merely harmless. Sure my walls are covered with their faces, their music is on replay 24/7, and my everyday outfit contains band merchandise. My parents have threatened to send me away for treatment countless times. They don't take it very lightly and I'm actually getting scared. I don't want to go away. I don't want to leave my colorful room for whitewashed walls and cold tile flooring. I want to stay right here in my fantasy land that is One Direction.






My name is Star and I'm obsessed...

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