I created you with every little detail
Carved you to life young little female
Gave you the strings that brought you to life
Carved you delicately with my little gentle hands and carver knife
Gave you the eyes that made you see
All the things you could possibly be
Painted them with the most genuine of colors
The blue and green and purple, forget all the others
You were my creation and when you changed you fell apart
Piece by piece like you were breaking my heart
The strings that were holding you above so high
Soon snapped as you fell down from the sky
You were my creation don't get me wrong
You were the one who wanted to move on your own
So don't get me wrong it wasn't my idea
You were the one who took the mile when I gave you an inch
And it seems to have gotten you into a little pinch
So please realize as you're lifeless on that stage
I am Sitting here body old and rotting away
So please understand my little marionette
You were the Human and I was the Puppet.