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A jealous Harry gets Taylor alone at the BBMA awards a week after writing Him

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A jealous Harry gets Taylor alone at the BBMA awards a week after writing Him.

Timelines might be off, I'm not sure... you get the general idea.


Is he holding you better at night?

Is it me running into your mind?
I still think about you all the time

It had all seemed like a bit of harmless fun. She was annoyed at him for that song he'd sent her last week and this seemed like the perfect chance to get back at him.

You don't wanna hear about him? Really? Well, buckle up Styles because you're about to be real uncomfortable. What right do you have after all you've put me through?

So she's spent the night wrapped up in Calvin, kissing and hugging him every time she won an award, leaning heavily against him, laughing at his unfunny jokes and just generally putting on a show. If she wasn't so angry at Harry, she'd actually be embarrassed of herself for acting so shameless.

But she's furious, so when Harry and the boys take to the stage to accept their award, she thinks nothing of leaning in close to whisper in Calvin's ear, keeping her eyes on him the whole time.

"Aren't they missing someone?" she jokes and it's so cruel of her, but it comes from that deep, vindictive part of her that's all she's got left since he destroyed her. "What, did he go in the wrong direction?"

Calvin laughs loudly and a few heads turn their way. She tears her reluctant eyes away from Harry to give him her full attention, making a performance of smiling and making eyes at him.

But when she finally looks back at Harry his face is absolutely broken in a way she'd never seen before. He tries to look anywhere but in her direction but he's drawn to her like she's the only person in the room. Like always. Their eyes meet and Taylor almost feels sorry for him when she sees the pain in those familiar green eyes. It only lasts a moment before a dark look clouds his features and Taylor's pulse starts to race.

So, yeah, she's not that surprised to hear heavy footsteps following her down the corridor when she slips out to calm herself down, telling Calvin she needs to go to the bathroom.

"Taylor!" he calls after her and she shoots a glare over her shoulder.

"Go away, Harry."

"Don't fucking walk away from me!" he shouts, dashing to catch her up. She curses under her breath and spins around abruptly, getting right in his face.

"For fuck's sake Harry, I'm not doing this here," she hisses at him.

"Then where are we doing it then love, because I've got a couple of things I want to get off my chest. Unless you'd rather me go and have a chat with Mr Lover-Lover in there," he smirks at her but his eyes remain devoid of humour.

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