Vigilante Shit

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Harry comes across a video of Taylor performing Vigilante Shit at the Eras tour and it...has an impact. Short little ficlet. Thanks to Marta as always for everything. <3

The problem with TikTok's algorithm is that it assumes if you like Harry Styles, you also like Taylor Swift.

He likes Harry Styles, most days. And yeah, okay, fine, he also likes Taylor Swift too. Despite her being his ex and there being unresolved feelings and tension and a twist in his stomach every time he sees her in person, he does like her.

And maybe it's his fault for not swiping quickly enough.

But, damn, he did not ask for this. He is pretty sure he did nothing to deserve this.

It's the flash of a blue garter stretched around her thigh and the red of her lips that first catch his eye.

Then, before he's even caught his breath, she's whirling around strutting away from the camera, shaking her ass provocatively and a surprised moan slips from his lips.

What the fuck is this?

She whips around back to face the camera and her mouth looks positively sinful as it forms around the lyrics of the song.

"I don't dress for women, I don't dress for men, lately I've been dressing for revenge."

And, as she fucking slides her hand down her body leaving it lingering inches from her pussy, he realises he's fully hard, his cock pushing at the seam of his jeans painfully.

Her hair is all curly and frizzy and messy, taking him back to lazy mornings after sweaty nights, that gorgeous hair splayed across the pillow beside him. He'd reach across and tangle his hand in it, pulling her in for a long, hot kiss before she had a chance to reach for her straighteners.

He licks his lips.

On the screen, she struts further upstage to stand in front of a chair, spreading her legs wide and slowly lowering herself.

His mouth goes dry as she drops onto the chair, legs still spread out wide, leaving little to the imagination. He imagines her dropping onto his cock like that and swallows thickly.

Her hand slides over the meat of her thigh and he thinks how much he'd like to grab her thighs, dig his fingers into her flesh as he pushes her legs further apart, leaving tiny bruises on her skin. She was so skinny when they were together. She was gorgeous...she's always been gorgeous, but she was little more than a girl and he was still a boy. A boy who loved the idea of older women but barely knew what to do with one once he got her into bed.

He knows exactly what he'd like to do to her now. And what he wouldn't give to have those strong thighs wrapped tight around his head as he ate her out.

As if on cue, she snaps her thighs shut. He can't help but grin. Fucking cocktease.

He cannot believe she's doing this on stage in front of thousands. He's so turned on by now it's practically painful and he groans, slightly ashamed as he realises what he's about to do. But honestly, it's not like she's left him with much of a choice.

He crosses the dressing room to lock the door, grabs some tissues from the desk and clumsily rids himself of his trousers on his way back before settling himself back against the sofa and restarting the video.

"There really is nothing you do better than revenge Miss Swift," he grumbles to himself before he licks his hand. 

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