Chapter 8

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The metallic smell was disgusting as Stacey forcefully inhaled it. There was no OTHER air. Her ears were ringing, even though it was completely silent except for the clicking sound of high heels progressing towards her.

"mphh-MPHHH!" She was trying to say "Who's there?!" but with tape on her mouth, it was hard to say that.

"Don't struggle. It only makes the pain worse." The voice was soft and sounded caring but Stacey was horrified. She recognized the voice.

Her captor shifted out of the shadows of the room to reveal herself and it was exactly who Stacey thought it was.

Her kidnapper.

Her kidnapper who pretended to be her mom.

She came closer and tenderly removed the tape from Stacey's mouth. And that may have been a bad move from her kidnapper, because as soon as she did, Stacey unleashed havoc with her words.

"WHY DID YOU TAKE ME?! Haven't you already done enough?" Stacey leaned forward in her seat, forgetting her feet and hands were still tied to the chair.

"Well, that's because you escaped. I don't know how they found you, but they did. Look-I know you have powers. The power to control all and any water on earth."

Stacey was so shocked that her kidnapper knew about her powers, she forgot to be mad. "How... how did you know?"

Her captor laughed. "Why do you think we took you in the first place? When you were 2 years old?"

"Well, I genuinely thought you were some creeps who kidnapped me as a toddler."

Her hostage holder sighed. "I guess your mother never told you."

"She doesn't know." Stacey snapped back.

"Oh yes she does," The woman took the seat across from Stacey. "I guess I'LL have to tell you. Stacey, you are the elemental master of water. We took you because we wanted you on our side-"

"We?" she interrupted. "Who's we?" the woman motioned to the shadows and 6 other people stepped out. They all wore midnight purple cloaks with names embroidered on theirs, but Stacey was too far away to read them.

They also had a logo on it. A human's face with a cloak covering it and flames rising off. A chill ran down her spine.

"Meet our council. We are a group of people who want to use your powers-or rather have you help us restore peace in this world by uniting the 4 elements and wiping the world clean. Start a new era." The kidnapper on the very right looked a little nervous saying that.

"Wait-4? But there is only one of me and I can only control water. Nothing else."

"Yes, but there are 3 more like you. One can control air," The person on the very left pointed a remote at the projector attached to the ceiling and the file for that person showed up in front of them all. It showed the name Cameron Antonio Bernardi.

"Cam?" This one confused her. Not in a million years would she have thought it was him. But, as if to prove it WAS him, a picture of Cam popped up, and his ethnicity; Italian. The same tanned skin and black hair, a little curly on his forehead.

"And then there's Earth-" They clicked ahead.

The file showed the name Carole Devi Singh. This one didn't surprise her much. She saw Carole moving a plant to take her bike out back at the cafe. The picture and ethnicity; Indian, popped up again. The same brown skin and really dark brown hair, it looked black if she wasn't under the sunlight directly.

"And the last one is your little boyfriend-"

"I don't have a boyfriend." Stacey said, cutting off the guy who was speaking.

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