26. The Past to the Present

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No one's pov
The night rolls over as Garnet has Izuku's gem on a pillow, after him being shattered for the third time she waits his reformation while hugging the shard's

As this happens izuku is waiting to regain energy to reform, while doing so he remembers the past and what brought him here

Izuku's pov
Long ago before I met the crystal gems or Garnet, before the experimentations, I was made from a kindergarten from the planet called Raver Mark

The green planet was home to some organic life, but when the Diamonds colonized, they started to create new gems

The minerals from the planet caused gems to become different, this is where Garnet's and Emerald's came from

One day on a shining moon, I was made... Well only half of me, a Garnet type gem called Andradite

She worked for Yellow Diamond as her assistant and faithful servant, this went on for a few years before an Emerald was made

She was a trusted soldier before the war and was a personal guard for Yellow Diamond, but even after saving her life several times Yellow still didn't trust her with her life or protection

One day Andradite saw that Yellow was acting strange and weird after Pink Diamond got her first colony

She would visit the planet for several months before coming back to homeworld with anger and frustration

After that event Andradite and Emerald followed her to earth to find out what she was doing and what's causing her stress

When they got there what they found was the facility for gem experimentations and the panel had a file called Diamond shatter

Andradite:"she's planning to shatter the other Diamonds?, that doesn't make sense" she looked through the files and found a file with the name of causes

Log date XXXX
White and blue are too soft to see what their doing!

We're supposed to take what we want not fight over it, it doesn't matter to fight against us we are superior to these life forms in everyway

They've not been pushing hard enough to win, I guess I'm taking things into my own hands
End of log

That's when we were found from her, and that's where it started

End of memory

Garnet's pov
It's been a few weeks since izuku has been shattered and poofed, Steven and Amethyst took down Jasper, the Ruby squad returned and meeting Smokey quartz

I watched over izuku progress through reformation, and have found out he's close to reforming

A sudden light came from the living room as I play a game with Eri, I picked up Eri and ran to the light and found izuku sitting on the couch with a cup of tea

Izuku:"hello darling, I'm back" he smiled at me before I ran to him, embracing him into a hug

Garnet:"why did you take so long?!" He grabbed my cheeks before kissing me, a blush appeared on my face

He looked down at me still smiling before taking the sleeping Eri into his hands and resting her on the couch

No one's pov

Out in the middle of nowhere can be seen Blue diamond looking through the fields of red and blue flowers

She looked around before spotting a diamond sized door that's made of a black material

Blue:"what's this?" She entered with caution and saw all the tubes filled with a green liquid, in side them can be seen gems, small gems but still gems

Each one was different and unique, everyone of them were a green color with an undetermined type of gem, their color was masked by the liquid

On the wall was the symbol of the diamond authority with the colors being over painted with yellow and only yellow

Blue:"what did she do now?" She looked back to the gems and looked over the panel, she didn't know what to do but was tempted to press a button

But she didn't, she wasn't sure of what would happen if she did, it could be catastrophical if she did

She looked at the gems with worry and guilt before pressing the button and releasing them

She panicked, she accidentally pressed the button but that's to late to think about

Blue:"what do I do?!, I'm not ready to do this!" She was about to leave but she was grabbed by the gems

XX:"where a-are we?" This little gem grabbed onto her, blue didn't know how to respond

Blue:"umm sorry y-young one, were on earth" she looked over to the other gems and saw them shattered on the ground, it looks like they aren't in good shape at all

She picked up the small purple colored gem before moving on towards her ship, where she found blue pearl waiting on her, she hid the small gem in her hair from the others before leaving earth

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