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Hi !

While contemplating my complex relationship with my brothers, I noticed Agni bhai was still absent. Nirav and Nishant bhai seemed worried. The interview had concluded, but the launch party for the ANIGMA app's beta version was about to begin. The event was exclusive, limited to the first 300 sign-ups, and served as both a promotion and a bug-testing exercise. Arnav bhai and his company, A2N2, were thoroughly invested in this launch. I had no doubt about his genius, but the necessity of the launch party was clear – it was an opportunity to showcase and perfect their creation, and it included a family photo session where my presence was required, albeit reluctantly, by my brothers.

Lost in thought, my attention was suddenly drawn to a well-dressed man approaching Arnav bhai. Arnav's smile upon seeing him was something I hadn't witnessed before, and it stirred an unfamiliar emotion within me – jealousy. It was confusing. Why would I be jealous? I had always been content with the companionship of my friends, Ishan, Neil, and Vyom. Yet, seeing this stranger receive a warm reaction from Arnav bhai, which I had longed for but never received, ignited a feeling of envy so intense it took me by surprise. This reaction was new to me, even though I had seen my brothers interact freely with Arnav bhai countless times. It left me questioning the depths of my feelings and the complexity of my desire for familial acceptance.

Pulled from my introspective state, I moved closer to overhear the conversation between the new arrival and Arnav bhai. Nirav and Nishant bhai also seemed delighted to see this person. The man greeted Arnav bhai warmly, saying, "Bhai, it's been so long since we met. I've missed you a lot. I've asked Abhi bhai several times to arrange a meeting, but he never did. He always said I should meet you here directly, as a surprise."

Arnav responded, "Ruhan, indeed, it has been a long time. Nishant had practically adopted you as his younger brother, always playing with you. I wonder why you chose to go with Abhi instead. You just left and then lost touch."

Hearing Ruhan address Arnav bhai as 'bhai' stirred feelings of discomfort within me. I couldn't call him 'bhai' so casually, yet here was Ruhan, conversing so easily. I felt an urge to escort him out of the party, my emotions getting the better of me. As these thoughts swirled, Ruhan explained, "We were in the USA, and as you know, kids under 12 can't be left home alone, so I had to go with my brother. Plus, the time difference made it hard. And you know I'm not much of a phone person. But hey, now I can join you. I've secretly been learning coding. Just don't tell Abhi bhai."

Arnav bhai then inquired about Abhi, who was apparently occupied with a meeting but was expected to join the party soon. This interaction highlighted the easy rapport Arnav bhai shared with others, a contrast to the distance I felt with him, deepening my longing for a similar connection.

My gaze fixated on Ruhan as he effortlessly mingled and charmed everyone around him. I couldn't grasp what made him so captivating. Then, a reporter named Zoya approached him with a question, "Are you the same person who aced a notoriously tough exam at such a young age, answering high-level math and coding questions while still in seventh grade?" Ruhan confirmed with a confident, "Yes, that's me. The charmer, right? I'm surprised and flattered that my achievements are known here in India too."

His demeanor shifted remarkably; from the childlike innocence he displayed around Arnav bhai to a more self-assured, almost arrogant attitude in this setting. This transformation fueled my growing jealousy – he seemed to possess everything, from brains to charm.

My envy intensified when the reporter revealed that Ruhan had topped the competitive exam for my high school, excelling in areas where I had only managed decent scores. While I was proficient in math and computer science, my average performance in physics and chemistry always held me back. The thought of Ruhan, a top achiever, joining my school, felt like a direct challenge to my academic standing and added to my apprehensions.

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