The Delivery

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4 months later

Nikolai pov:

I message Fedya a lot, every day. I'm scared I'll give birth early and he won't be there. I'm getting more and more anxious that he won't return in time. Just then, I felt a big wave of pain hit. I doubled over, a common reaction to pain. I realized my water broke, Fedya still isn't here. I call Ivan and ask him to come to my room. He arrives 2 minutes later and helps me prepare to give birth to my son. I'm laying on my bed, ready to give birth to my son. I'm scared something will go wrong. I'm scared something will happen to my son. I'm scared Fedya was killed and will never return home. The pain is increasing by the second. Ivan tells me to push but I can't. Ivan said to me "If you don't, your son will die" that scared me enough to push with a majority of my strength. It hurt a lot. I wish Fedya was here with me.

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