The Twisted Truth

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Rick stared outside at his family. He couldn't comprehend it. He had finally done it. He slaughtered Rick Prime, until he was absolutely nothing at all. He's a smart man. He's created and destroyed the whole world. He's traveled beyond infinite itself. Yet if you asked the genius himself why he felt so meaningless, for the first ever time in any reality, he wouldn't have an answer.

Over time he had changed. He was eating himself away trying to figure it out. Time after time, reality hop after reality hop, world after world. None of it mattered. Nothing mattered at all. Not even matter itself. He couldn't find an answer. This mere dimwitted question had him loose himself beyond repair. For the first time ever, in his plethora of never ending lives and realities, he had died for real.

He became distant and bitter and oh so painfully so. The once family who had been worth the entire world quickly turned into just another replaceable fragment of it. The family grew older and older. They would grow only to die again and again and again. Still, Rick would keep his Morty. Truly, that was the most painful part of it all. It was still Rick and Morty. Rick and Morty against the universe. Morty watched from the sidelines as Rick became a man he didn't know. A man he wished he never met at all.

Time after Time, it was Rick and Morty. The adventures of Rick and Morty continued. Morty was no longer a grandson. He was no longer protected. He was no longer loved. He was no longer cared about. He was merely a toy. A pet forced to a chain, simply for only Rick Sanchez's amusement. So, unlike the rest of his family, Morty forced it upon himself to adapt. He began to play the role Rick had designed. He became only who Rick made him out to be. He memorized. He learned. He changed. Soon he was no worse then Rick himself. He wasn't only twisted. The real curse was that he was smart.

Rick Sanchez destroyed himself. In that selfish act, he created something else. Someone else. A smarter Morty. His merciless acts created an outcome that should have never been fathomly possible.
This Morty was different then all of the others. Unlike all of them he was self aware.

In the end, whether he knew it or not Rick grew into a different role. He became the very essence of a monster he used to despise. Rick Prime. Morty however chose his own path. He swore upon his own life that he would never be tied down by anyone or anything again. Instead, he used all of the Ricks and all of the Mortys for his own advantage. All of these different realities, all of these lives he destroyed only to use them as a stepping stool to his one true goal. He became the villan of his own story. Known as the one and only 'Evil Morty'.

The real morbid reality of it all was that in a way Morty did become like Rick. A splitting image of him. However, unlike Rick, Morty will do more then succeed.

Evil Morty looked back at the two. Somehow he felt no remorse. It was as if he was looking in the mirror. Morty C-132. In this world and time, another version of Rick managed to kill his Rick. Rick Prime. The Morty in front of him was going to become just like him. He should have felt something. Instead he felt nothing at all.

Still he put on a fake smirk. Rick finally walked out of the room, soaked in blood. "There's our guy" Evil Morty said. Morty C-132 was beyond worried. "Is he.." Evil Morty interrupted "Not exactly in alive amount of blood". He continued his fake act, still smirking. He looked in Rick C-132s direction. "How'd it feel? Better? No?" He asked, already knowing the answer. When Rick didn't answer, he continued. "Does it feel the same? Yeah it always does".

"I hope your happy with your choice" Evil Morty stated. Rick C-132 angrily turned around. "Fuck you" He cursed back.

"I'm gonna" Evil Morty said, Tapping his eyepatch. A hologram appeared in front of him as he looked at it. "Just don't force me to improve on the design" He threatened. "I can end the Rick experiment any time I want" He warned. "Why threaten? Why not just do it?" Morty C-132 questioned. Morty C-132 was just as stupid as he used to be. "Because using a weapon like this doesn't get you left alone morty" Evil Morty said. "Think I want evil vengeful summers coming after me?" He mockingly asked.

For a moment he turned back around. Still, he felt no remorse, as he lied through his teeth. "You are a little different though, Rick. Maybe I can use that someday".

He opened the portal and walked through it. The cycle will never end, will it? It was a question he already knew. Unfortunately he was smart enough to know that now.

Afterall History repeats itself. It will always be Rick and Morty.

Rick and Morty forever.

Rick and Morty against the universe.

Rick and Morty til the end of time.

Rick and Morty til the end of the world.

Rick and Morty, again and again.

(A/n: THANK YOU FOR READINGGG. I'm still in the middle of watching season 7 so no spoilers please.)

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