part 3

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In the morning

A couple is sleeping in the bed ohh so cute 🥰 you are thinking the couple is but no they're not 🚫

??: umm jagi wake up

??: (snoring 😴)

??: jagi

??: (snoring 😴)

??: jagi........jagi

??: (snoring 😴)


joon: ahhhh earthquake ahhhhh eomma

Jin: (Stern eyes) wake up

Joon: ok jagi(slow voice)

In the dining table

Joon: jini did you call jk and sg

Jin: I had call tae and talk to him but sg didn't pick up the call .....probable sleeping

Joon: this boy(sigh)

In the club

Jk: ahhh my Head

He open his eyes he was feeling pain

Jk: ahhh my whole body is paining
Did I fuck someone

He look at everywhere but couldn't see anyone

30 minutes ago

Tae wake up from sleep and saw hw is naked

Tae: my whole body is paining...... don't tell me

He look at his left side and saw there was a man also naked 😏 but his face is covered with his hair's tae quickly wear his clothes and run from there to his house


Jk : aghhhh my body................. let's get dressed up uffff

In jks house

Jin: hey baby u came

Jk: yup mom umm give me some medicine my whole body is paining

Jin: why did you fuck someone ( laughing)

Jk: ah mom please

Jin: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Then jk went to his room

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