(Let's get into itttt)Nardo
7:00 amWaking up to the sound of birds singing I opened my eyes only to see a unfamiliar ceiling
Looking over I see a face I can't quite recognize
Wiping my eyes I look againIs that trell? Oh bitchhhh
Looking under the cover I see I'm in a Tee that's definitely not mine since it was oversized on my bodyOh and bitch guess what
I don't have not the first pair of underwear on, not even shortsSo obviously sumn happened but I can't remember what exactly
Shrugging it off, getting up to pee and going down stairs after
Might as well make me some food, and the fridge better be stocked this big ass house
Making it to the kitchen I opened it immediately doing a little happy dance seeing it was indeed filled up
I decided to go with some pancakes, cheese eggs, bacon and strawberry biscuits
Everything didn't take to long to cook, about 20 minutes really
After it finished I cleaned the dishes I was done using putting them away
And started assembling my plate and trellsI mean I'm at the nigga house in the nigga clothes cooking in the nigga kitchen, yes I made him a plate
Grabbing some orange juice with a little bit of wine making a nice lil mimosa for the both of us
Now I gotta figure out how ima finna carry everythingLooking around I noticed it was this tray thing that looked like it was made for breakfast in bed, god your so convenient
Putting everything on it I grabbed the maple syrup sitting it on the tray as well beginning to head upstairs
Opening the room door to see trell still knocked tf out
Coulda robbed the nigga at this point
"Trell" no answer
"Trell" I said a lil louder tapping him
Still no damn answer
"KENTRELL" yeaaa that shook his ass right up, when I tell yall his face was hilarious he look mad asab"Man wtf why you waking me up at 7:40 inna morning" he said rolling his eyes not even noticing the food
"Nigga get this plate or don't, I dgaf" I said rolling my eyes cause he was finna annoy me
Finally noticing the plate he raised his eyebrow before looking at me smirking "Hollon ma"
I watched as he sat the plate aside and went to his connected bathroomComing out a couple minutes later he grabbed my chin pulling me into a deep kiss making me melt in his touch
"Thank you mama" he said sitting back down grabbing his food beginning to dig inY'all this nigga went and brushed his teeth just to kiss me as a thank you and now he fucking the food up
"Yo, li baby this shit good as fuck, where you learn how to cook like this" he stated bitting into a piece of bacon