the ginger bread man and the old women part 2

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Recap - the ginger bread man has been ran to a small town we're he lives in a abandoned house.

The story- Ginger bread man lives in an abandoned house . And secretly stool food in night to eat he was living in a town 4 km away from the town were the old women leave .one day the owner of the house thought that they should sell the house . And then one day people started coming to see that house. But beacuse of the bad condition of the house they refuse to buy it but gingerbread man doesn't know about that and one person buy it . On next day he send some labour to clean house .and they found ginger bread man. And that labour's was the old women. She has changed his face and started spying him. The ginger bread man ran fast but the old women was now to prepared he throw her net and catch him and she was successfully to catch him. She was killing kill him but she thought that see she would sell him in auction for money to buy a house but the ginger bread man no that see will once find him and kill him so he
find many more gingerbread man to help him. And when the old women was not near them they remove the net and make ginger bread man escape.
When see came see was shocked that
We're he gone. To be continued

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07 ⏰

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