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I walked out of the restaurant, visibly upset. My discontent was not with the fact that they were together, not one bit. It was the fact that they kept it from me, their sister.

I called my husband to tell him I'll be coming home soon.

I made my way to my car, trying to brush off the image of them kissing; it felt like a reminder that I was not as close to them as I thought.

I stood outside my car door, holding the door handle with my purse in the other hand, frozen and unable to make the next move. I release the door handle and make my way back into the restaurant. Hello, I left something in the private room. They led me to the back of the restaurant.

I wait outside the door before I make my presence known, clearing my throat as I enter, still seeing them sitting close. They straighten up quickly as if they were caught. I place my bag on the table and lean forward as I sit in front of them.

If we are sisters like y'all claim we are, why didn't either of you tell me? I huff, placing my arms crossed in front of me on the table. Not cool, not cool at all. Follows my question quickly, preventing them from speaking.

The look of sheer confusion settles on their face, making me upset. Good save, Taraji. How long has it been? I look into both of their eyes, waiting for a response. The silence in the space only provokes me to continue prying, seeking answers.

I'm not mad about it; I'm leaning towards shock, disappointment, even disappointment, that you all would keep this from me. Have I not been a loyal sister and friend? I sit back in my frustration that has festered into anger misplaced.

The silence reflected the outpouring of my intense display of emotions. I'm sorry I'm coming at y'all like this; I'm just in disbelief that you all would keep this from me.

Taraji gets up from her seat, bringing the chair next to me.

Dani, *pause* my love. I'm sorry. I'm still wrapping my mind around this. You are a loyal sister; you have not shown me otherwise. Taraji grabs my hand, placing her other palm underneath, giving me a sense of calmness. I relax in my posture. I wish I could speak for both of us, but I'll say for me alone. I had no intent on hiding it from you. I just wanted to wait until I was ready. That's all. Her response was genuine, and I knew my sister was not intentionally withheld from me; I gazed over at Fantasia, whose face displayed agreeance with Taraji.

Fantasia moves her chair closer to me and Taraji. Sister friend, I would not hide a thing from you. She grabs my other hand, imitating the exact hand placement as Taraji. Especially after how much you have shown up for me throughout the film. I wouldn't dare say you have not been there for me. Taraji is correct; we are still figuring out what it is, girl. We're sorry.

Simultaneously, they kiss my cheek, enveloping me in a hug.

Y'all, I'm sorry for my outburst. I felt hurt after asking you all about it, and you denied it. To me, seeing it with my eyes was the cherry on top. I could not contain my emotions. I felt lied to; I did not like the feeling. I hope you both know that you can trust me.

Again, I'm sorry.

It's okay, Dani. Taraji says, rubbing my arm.

Now, I'm curious. When did all of this happen? I peered at the both of them, awaiting some sort of confirmation.

Fantasia shifts in her seat, looking at Taraji, and they exchange glances. The hesitancy to answer remained.

Well- it's relatively new. Taraji interjects before Fantasia can say anything. I chuckle at the interaction.

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