Chapter 5

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Seungmin's pov

I lifted my gazed from my phone to the entrance once the bell ring. There, jeongin entered the cafe with a big grin on his face. He was holding a small bag. He walked towards me and show what's inside. My eyes turned big in a second and my mouth touch the ground. I glanced at jeongin for answer.

"Do you like it?" He asked with satisfied smile

"How? It's expensive as hell!? Where did you even get the money from?" I asked him

"Shush, none of your business. Let's eat it on your break." He shushed and prevent me from asking another question.

I can't believe that he bought 2 limited edition cheesecakes from the most famous dessert shop. Where did he even get the money from?! I will asked him again next time.


"How do you like it? It taste good right? I mean it was expensive as hell so ofc it tasted hella great." He asked but he answer his own question.

"If you already know the answer, why bother asking me?" I asked while wiping the counter.

"Because i can. Anyway, are you in charge to close the cafe?" He stop Infront of the entrance.

"Yeah, you can go first. I might be late today." I replied to him

"Well, if you need anything just call me. I don't go anywhere tonight." He said before stepping out of the cafe

I sighed. Today was a very stressful day for me. I can't seem to focus on my work. What should i do if i had no choice but to involved them in my problem? I don't want them to deal with it. I love all of them. Sure, they are just like me but i can't seem to trouble them more.

I walked out of the cafe and locked it after. I take the garbage bags and threw it in the rubbish bin. I don't plan on going home early today. I need to do something different. Things that might make me regret it after. Go clubbing.

At the club

I entered the club and heading towards the bar counter then take a seat. This bar are belongs to the friend of my friend. What was his name again? Zubin?Sobin? I think it is Binbin or something like that. Anyway my friend name is Huening Kai. He also worked here but today he got an off day from his boss.

"What would you like to drink, sir?" The bartender asked

"Just give me something not to strong. I don't want to get drunk tonight." I told him

While waiting, i spotted 2 mens observing me from afar. I better don't let my guards down. Something is fishy about them.

"Here is you drink. Would you like anything else, sir?" The bartender asked

"No, this will do for now, thank you." I said

I took a sip from my drink and felt my throat burning from the flavor. It's been awhile since i drank alcohol. My tolerance are not very good but it also not bad either.

Suddenly, my phone vibrated. I took it out and look at the username. Just from the username, i could already feel like sleepy. I sigh before answering the call.

"Yes, father?"

"Seungmin, son, have you decided yet? My time is about to come and i really hope that you would agree to my suggestion."

"Father, i still need more time to think. Beside, I'm not interested on fulfilling your wish." I said irritatedly

"Seungmin, it's already run in our blood. You can't just end it as you like."

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