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Here we go again

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Here we go again. I was sitting in my father's office,him scolding me about the upcoming mission and how i need to take it seriously. Like man can't you speak any louder,I wasn't going to sit here all day listening to his stupid rules about new mission.
Sofia: Dad i got this , i haven't failed yet what's stopping me now?
Suddenly my mother walked into the office
Maria: Gregory i need a word with you if you're done here.
Finely, i got up and left the room, I was chill
This mission is hella easy, like how hard is it to act like a shy girl in the highschool.Wait..... releasion came to me , i have been home schooled my entire life.
Meeting new people and making friends was never my thing, well i do have a friends but it's different with them , Well anyways i need to see my brother Asap.
My family is full of spys including me but, my brother chose normal life and my Father respects his decision. He goes to school like normal person so i would just take notes from him.

Only 20 minute has passed me and my brother Noah have been sitting in his room . But it felt like hours , he was going on and off about all the shit that happens there , I felt like toddler listening to nanny about how to act.
After long chat he finally got a hint that i wasn't listening so he kicked me out of his room. Typical Noah. As i walked down the hall i noticed people in living room hell nah i am not getting down there i had enough listening to people talking all day so i went straight to my room . In two days i would have to change my life, tomorrow my father would tell me all the details about this Alexander. Did i mention why i was going there? Well i had to kill this hair of Italian mafia family , and damn they were powerful. I layed down onto my bed, grabbing my phone i scrolled through socials until i drafted off to sleep.

~Hi~ this was a short chapter i know i wrote this while studying so.. . Hope you liked it . By the way i will be using this :∞, sign a lot. I use different signs for different books.

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