The Touch

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"Don't touch me!" Leo shouted at Hakyeon. "Just get away from me Hakyeon." Taekwoon got up and left the room. Taekwoon has never been comfortable around Hakyeon with him clinging like that. He just hate it.

Cha Hakyeon, the leader of VIXX, who is commonly known with his extra caring and loving behaviour. But Hakyeon doesn't seem to mind if he bother other members. He likes it. Jaehwan, Ravi, Hongbin and Hyuk, all of them already used to Hakyeon's clingy behaviour. But not Taekwoon.

One day, their CEO inform them that they are going to have another comeback in October. So they must start with their dance practice. After listening to the demo, the choreographer showed them the dance steps.

"Okay Leo, this is your part where you must show that you still love that girl but should be held back by the members. Ravi and Hakyeon will sort of hold you and pull you to the back," the choreographer explained.

At first, Taekwoon was being reluctant because he never like to be touched by anyone especially Hakyeon. He find it really, really annoying. But, he must do the dance move no matter what because it's his part and Ravi and Hakyeon's position is just right to hold him back.

Ravi was being normal, just putting his hands across Taekwoon's chest and pull back from the right side, but Hakyeon, he was touching Taekwoon's waist and pull Taekwoon like he's doing a back hug.

"Damn it Hakyeon! What are you doing?!!" shouted Taekwoon. "What? I was "pulling" you back like the teacher said." "Well can you do it like Ravi? Just put your hand near in front of my chest and I will pull myself back own my own, got it??"

"But..." said N. "Taekwoon-ah, Hakyeon must put his hand somewhere underneath your chest so that it will look so real that you are being held back." explained the dance teacher. Taekwoon have no choice but to let out a loud sigh.

"Okay Taekwoon, I will just put my hand virtually near in front of your waist okay? I won't touch you, as per your request. Don't worry okay." Hakyeon said. "Well, thank you."

Hakyeon doesn't understand why Taekwoon was so mad at him. It was just a freaking dance move! But Hakyeon didn't mind what Taekwoon had said. All he want is VIXX to do their very best.

The next day in the practice room, VIXX members continue to practice very hard. When the moment where Taekwoon supposed to be held back, Hakyeon already placed his hand in front of Taekwoon when Hyuk who was in front of him lost control and fell back thus pushing Hakyeon to the back and literally pulling Taekwoon to fall with him too. Not only that, all of a sudden the electricity in the building was cut off!

In the dark and on the floor, Taekwoon was on the floor with Hakyeon next to him, and Hakyeon's hand wrapped tightly around his waist. He was about to yell at Hakyeon but he didn't know why no words come out from his mouth. Suddenly he felt so good, calm and secure. He actually liked that moment no matter how much he hates to admit it. Taekwoon wanted to hold Hakyeon's hand on his waist when suddenly the electricity is back on.

Taekwoon immediately got up to his feet. "Ah Hyung sorry I lost my balance and hit N-hyung. I'm sorry Leo-hyung." Hyuk said. "Ah it's okay Hyuk-ah. Taekwoon-ah, sorry I pulled you too and touc...." "Err.. It's okay Hakyeon. Le.. Let's just continue practicing." Taekwoon said, and his face was blushing. Hakyeon looked at Taekwoon, and he was blushing too.

Later that night, when they their way back to the van, Hakyeon couldn't stop thinking about what happened on the floor when they fell. He never know that it is such a good feeling to have Taekwoon in his arms. Taekwoon's body was so close to him and his heart beats really fast. Hakyeon was about to tighten his grip on Taekwoon's waist when the electricity came back on. What was he thinking?

Their dance practice continue from day to day and to Hakyeon's surprise, Taekwoon didn't go all wild mad at him when accidentally touched his waist during the dance move and since that, Hakyeon continue to touch Taekwoon's waist. And he never felt happier.

Taekwoon seems to like Hakyeon touching him now because he feels good when that happen. He doesn't feel annoyed anymore. Naughty thoughts come into Taekwoon's mind, but he feel guilty to even admit it.

One night, the two eldest members had to stay back at the practice room because their van was broke down and the company had to use a normal car to transport them back to the dorm. The trip went with Hyuk & Hongbin, Ravi & Jaehwan, and Hakyeon & Taekwoon. So while waiting for the second trip to complete, Hakyeon and Taekwoon just sat on the floor in the practice room.

"It took them forever! I'm just gonna practice a little bit." said Hakyeon. He got up and turn on the music. Taekwoon watched Hakyeon practicing and he realised that Hakyeon is, a perfect man. From head to toe, everything is perfect. He then decided to join the practice. When "the" move happens, Hakyeon made the courage to pull Taekwoon to his body and stiff the position.

"I saw you were looking at me. What were you looking at Taekwoon?" Hakyeon whispered to Taekwoon's ear. Taekwoon was shocked with sudden action.

"Tell me Taekwoon. Why did you suddenly stop yelling at me for touching you? Do you like me?" Hakyeon had no idea why he said those words, but he just did. Taekwoon could feel Hakyeon's breath around his neck. He turned around, grabbed Hakyeon's hands and then footsteps were heard at the door.

Both of them backed off from each other when their manager's voice came closer to the room. "Hakyeon-ah, Taekwoon-ah! Let's go, the car is ready." Both of them looked at each other, and felt so embarrassed of what just happened.

Back in the dorm, all of the members have already went to bed. Hakyeon crawled into his bed and trying hard to sleep. He couldn't forget of what had happened. What he did to Taekwoon and what he had said to Taekwoon was totally unplanned. So he decided to send Taekwoon a text message in the hope that it will clear things off.

"Taekwoon-ah, are you asleep? Sorry to bother you. I just wanna say I'm sorry of what happened in the practice room earlier. I was just being selfish. I really hope you would forget about it. I don't want it to ruin our friendship. I love our friendship so much. It's just that something has been bothering me lately. So I just.... Ah I don't know. I felt different when I'm with you. Erm, Taekwoon-ah, I'm so sorry. Hope you can forgive me. Goodnight Jung Taekwoon." - Sent.

Hakyeon put away his phone and close his eyes. But, he couldn't sleep. What happened bothers him so much until tears fell out from his eyes. Suddenly he felt something heavy on his bed and a pair of arms wrapped him around him from his back.

"What the-" "Shh shh."

It was Taekwoon.

"I got your message and I thought probably you would like this." He tightened his arms around Hakyeon and said "I like you Hakyeon, so much. I like when you touch me and I hope you like my touch too." Hakyeon turned to his back and buried his face in Taekwoon's chest and they stayed in bed like that for the rest of the night.


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