2 | Crates and Questions

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Tallon's grin slid off his face faster than a greased dancer on a pole. He'd been distracted by that naughty minx of a man instead of paying attention to his real mission. He needed to investigate the Merchants' Guild and learn about the recent tariff hikes. If they violated the Ardenian Accords' Trading Agreement with illegal imports, the guild would have much to answer for among the mainland. Unfortunately, Tallon needed concrete evidence, and either his sources didn't know what was happening, or they didn't want to be involved.

If he succeeded, he could be home sooner rather than later, and hopefully redeem himself after his last social mishap. His father had to have known a half-elf wouldn't move about this backwater locale unnoticed; everyone either scurried to move out of his way or shouted bigoted obscenities at him to return to his treehouse.

He hastened his stride while Scamp flew overhead, maintaining a safe distance from the crowd. Although the skies were clear, the humidity from the constant rain and forest region north of the city made both breathing and visibility difficult for the average man. People would be more focused on the weather than a flying weasel.

With his enhanced sight, Tallon navigated the crowd, sticking with the nobles as they inched closer to the edge of the stone quay, bumping each other for a better look and shoving workers out of the way.

Too bad they couldn't have found a bath first. After several days aboard a ship with half the amenities one would find at a manor or fine inn, the stench of bodies made Tallon's nose burn and eyes water. Scamp's psychic olfactory senses didn't help.

Though his slightly pointed ears garnered lifted brows and sneers, no one dared hinder his progress. Like it or not, he still had the breeding and appearance of someone with privilege, and people here seemed to fear that almost more than his physical attributes.

A crate rapidly sank into the bay, swallowed by boiling bubbles and belching steam.

What in the name of his right butt cheek was in that box? Somehow, he didn't think the cargo held legal goods.

Edging near a thin noble with a groomed mustache and white hair on a balding head, Tallon stroked his chin and said, "What do you suppose was in there?"

The man cast him an unfriendly glance. "What business is it of yours, elf?"

Unfazed, Tallon casually slipped a half-gold knot into the noble's manicured hand. If anything could get this crowd of humans to speak, it was money. "Oh, just a polite interest from a wealthy inquiring patron seeking exotic goods."

Tallon lifted an eyebrow, daring the man to challenge him. This was the type of place where less was more, especially among nobles and merchants wishing to avoid scandal.

The change was immediate. Spittle flecked the man's mouth as his eyes rounded like saucers. Licking his lips, he pocketed the coin. "Well, it depends what sort of goods you're seeking, Sir. That crate's got the mark of the Alchemists on it, so I'd not be surprised if it's some new chemical from the Dwarven mines in Stirry. Lots of stuff's been shipped this way recently, so if that's the sort of thing you're after, I'd talk to Raebel Rosethorn at the Tittsup Teacup. She used to teach at the college, but they sacked her and she went sour on them. Still has her fingers in all the pots though, if you know what I mean."

Tittsup Teacup?

Who was ears deep in their ale when that place was founded?

A vein twitched somewhere in his right temple, but Tallon managed to keep his easy-going smile fixed in place as he slipped the man an additional quarter knot. "Where can I find this establishment, and what does she look like?"

The man was practically drooling at this point, his eyes firmly glued to the shiny gold piece. "Er, up the hill, in the noble quarter, across from the statue of Merton the Maimed. Raebel's hard to miss. She's a busty lass with one eye. Pretty as a picture, once, but ruined her looks doing dangerous work. Good thing she sticks to tea now, though she'll sell you poison if you know how to ask. Not that I would. Or have."

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