The dream

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The little boy named jefe always wanted a srt since he started watching Srtlen on YouTube. He was his favourite YouTuber and he always wanted to be like him.

One day on a sunny afternoon he checked his bank account and saw 50k sitting there patiently.
"Woah mum! Did u accidentally send me some money?" asked Jefe.
"No sweetheart why?" replied jefe's mum
"Erm just asking don't worry." Said jefe
In his mind he was amazed he thought it was a dream.

He kept saving a bit more and it was his time to get a license.
"Dad wish me luck!" Said jefe
"Good luck son." Replied his dad
As he nervously entered the license centre he was praying to god that he would pass.
"Number 42!" Said the man at the reception
"Okay that's me I gotta keep calm..."said jefe
As he walked across the room he got introduced to his driving assistant and they walked to the car.

"Hello young man my name is Raj I will be helping you today" said the driving assistant
"Hello Raj my name is jefe and already please teach me I'm ready!" Replied jefe
As he cautiously sat in his crappy old Honda he put the gear in drive and put his seatbelt on and lightly pressed the pedal down.
"Ohh this feels amazing! Wow this is what's it actually like? Woah" said jefe in his head.
As the test went on he got the hang of it and it finally came to the end of the test.

As he put the car in gear park and turned the ignition off and took the seatbelt off his driver instructer wanted to have a chat with him.
"Alright kiddo well done wait at the result line and we will be with you!"said Raj

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