At the dodge dealership

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As jefe and his friends drove to the dodge dealership jefe started to play music (soak city)

"Left right lemme see you do it left do it right do it)x2"
That's all you could hear from them

25 minutes later jefe got to the dealership..
"Hey sir welcome to dodge,how can I help you?"said the man working there
"Yes hi erm I'm looking to buy a Dodge Charger SRT HellCat.."replied jefe
"Sure thing right this was sir."voiced the man
As they walked jefe was in amazement he looked at all of his dream cars.. in his head he thought of buying all of them but will he get them?

"Is this what you're looking for?"asked the man politely
"Yes it sure is!"said jefe
"So would you like to buy it for £110,956..?"asked the man again
"Sure"replied jefe
"Follow me sir"said the man

(What do you think so far?)

Hey guys it's sharky here and lmk what I should improve and yeah!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20 ⏰

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