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They buy things they needed and then make their way to the mansion
Tae "you should've buy that dress"
L "and why you think that"
Tae "it's too revealing"
L "oh come on hubby don't be dramatic it was totally fine"
Tae "ok but it's not fine for me"
L "but why"?
Tae "because I don't want other to see my wife's skin" *pout
L "ohhhh my kuchi muchi mmmmmuah" *peck his lips very tightly
She was about to go when taehyung pulled her toward his direction hold her nape and kiss her as lisa expected and she responded back they were kissing for 4 minutes when lisa break the kiss
L "i think you have unlimited breath but I don't have ok"
He chuckled and was looking deeply in her eyes when he left her nape and hold her by her thin waist
L "leave my waist taehyung I need to go"
Tae "where"?
L "jisoo unnie's place"
Tae "why you just went there yesterday"
L "ohho taehyung tomorrow is her marriage i have to check if everything is ok or not and also jungkook, jimin, rose, and Jennie unnie are also coming today I am going"
Tae "but you have to be here until 9pm ok otherwise it's good excuse for me to punish you, clear"
L "ye-yeah yeah you don't have to remind me..........*taehyung still didn't leave Lisa's waist hen she glared* will you leave me or not"
Tae "oh yeah yeah" *chuckled

Time skip to jisoo mansion

Jisoo and Lisa were talking when rose and Jennie entered with jungkook and Jimin

Jen&R "jisoo unnieeeeee, lisaaaaaa *they shout while coming toward jisoo and Lisa
Lisa and jisoo got up and hug them tightly, they were hugging each other like met after 10 years
Jo "we missed you"
Jen & R "we missed you tooo"
Jk faked cough reminding them that they are also exist
They broke the hug and jisoo look at them and said
Jo "ohh Jimin and jungkook how are you both come sit you guys must be tired sit I'll bring you guys cold juice"
Jennie went and sit with Jungkook and rosè went sit Jimin Lisa looked at them confused
L "are you guys friends orrrrrrr more then that" *waiting for their answer
Jm "ummm Lisa if it's about us then rosè is my gf" Lisa eyes widened and look at Jennie
While they both nodded telling her that same as them
Jen "Lily look love is love we don't know when it started"
Lisa look at them both when jk speak
Jk "umm I think we should go Jin hyung and taehyung hyung must be waiting for byee"
They said bye to each other while jisoo also heard everything
Jk and Jimin left and Lisa went to them
L "did you guys kiss"
Jen "me and jungkook did he is very caring and handsome" *blushing
R "mine also we kissed each other after 10 mins oh my goddd" *blushing
Jo "are guys serious"
L "no they are cringe" *got away from them and sit next to jisoo
R "lilyyyy what's cringe in it"
L "kissing after 10mins" *grab a glass of juice and start drinking
R "did you and taehyung ever kissed"?
And that's when she chocked her juice
L "th-thats non of y-your business"
R "hmm then did you ask us that we kissed or not huh"
L "ok forget it how are you both"
Jen "good"
They continue their chat
After 3 hour when she looked at watch and her eyes widened
L "oh my god oh my god oh my god"
They all got scared that what happened to her
It was now 10:34 pm and she remembered taehyung's words and she got more scared
Jo "what happened Lisa"
L "I had some important work on 9:00 pm but it's now 10:34 pm what will I do now" *scared
Jo "oh no if you are late then you should stay for some more minutes you are late anyways"
Lisa in her thoughts "if I go late then he will be sleep and I'll sleep beside him then he can't punish me hahahaha"
She was also laughing in real life
Jennie, jisoo, and rosè looked at her awkwardly, Lisa clear her throat and speak
L "yeah I guess"
R "let's watch a movie"
Jen "great idea"
L "let's watch scream"
Jo "yeah"
They ordered some snacks and start watching the movie while on the other side taehyung was very angry

Taehyung met his brothers and greeted them

But now it was 11:00 pm and he was still waiting for his wife
Tae "I think she really wants a punishment *smirk* let her come today swear on god I will not spare her today"

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