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Jennie Kim stepped back, giving space to the medical staff caring for her father. Her gaze stayed fixed on his bruised and damaged body.

Placing trembling fingers against her mouth, her mind tried to make sense of the commotion unfolding before her.

James Kim was unconscious, with bandages on his head and his cycling shirt and shorts cut open, revealing deep lacerations and broken limbs.

A doctor began calling out commands as he scrubbed his hands over a sink.

Jennie stepped forward and touched her father’s shoulder, and whispered to him, “You’re going to survive this.”

A nurse said to her in a kind voice, “Step back and give us room to work on him.”

A doctor listened to his chest and asked for someone to cut off the rest of his clothing. A staff member yanked the curtain closed.

Moving away from the closed curtain, Jennie motioned for her mother and brothers to give the medical personnel space.

Her mother clung to her brother Namjoon’s arm, and said, “He shouldn’t be seen in such a compromised way. We have to move him to a hospital that will protect him. The States Hospital can’t possibly provide enough privacy.”

SeokJin glanced at Jennie before turning back to their mother.

“He can’t be moved until he’s stable. This is the best place for him right now.”

Looking at each of her brothers, Jennie said, “I can’t believe you were able to get here so quickly.”

Namjoon said, “I had a meeting in London.”

Jin nodded. “Same. I was only a few blocks away.”

Jennie tapped her fingers against her breastbone. Her father wasn’t a thrill seeker.

How could he have not seen the lorry? It didn’t make sense. He biked nearly every day and stayed on the same route.

The last few weeks flashed through her mind. He seemed distracted, barely speaking to her and staying hidden away in his office.

There were murmurings among the staff that budgets were being slashed. She had stayed in the design studio, finishing the work on their new Spring collection.

Namjoon offered her a water bottle. “You should take a sip of water. You look pale.”

Jennie looked at him. “I can’t understand how this happened. I saw him an hour ago.”

He placed an arm around her shoulders. “He’ll pull through, Jen.”

Jin was speaking in soothing tones to their mother but she clutched her pearl necklace and was shaking her head.

“What if he never wakes up?” her mother shrieked.

Moving closer to her mother, Jennie touched her hand.

“Mum, the accident just happened. We have to give the doctors time to figure out what his injuries are and the best way to help him. We can’t imagine the worst or rush this process.”

Her mother stared at her. “I can’t stay in this cold, sterile place hoping that he wakes up. There are reporters downstairs, ready to pull our family apart.”

Jin pinched the bridge of his nose. “Maybe you should go home and rest for a while. I can get you when Dad starts to wake up. Joon, can you take her home?”

Her mother clutched her throat. “What if he wakes up and I’m not here?”

Namjoon said to the mother, “It’ll be hours before we can see him. I’ll come and get you if he wakes up tonight.”

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