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I was starting to realize why the halls of this new school were so confusing. i was supposed to follow my schedule and get to class in time, but it was hard when i had no idea where everything was located. my adoptive mom, april, had just dropped me off and left me here with no help to settle in at all - like always. i was used to it by now, but it still stung.

I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself down. it was only the first day, and i didn't want to be late for my first class. i glanced at my schedule and looked for the room number, trying to follow the hallway map on the wall.

And then just like that, I bumped into someone, someone shorter than me. She looked grown, her hair was blonde and it was placed into a high ponytail.

"Oh I'm so sorry my dear." she quickly fixes herself

"No, it's alright," I responded

"Oh! You must be new, what's your name dear?"

"Kali Torres."

"That's right," she said placing her glasses on to look at a couple of papers in her hands.

I raised my eyebrow side eying the woman. "Oh! You're in Mr. Anderson's class." she chuckles


"Mr. Anderson, the history teacher in this school, teaches grade twelve." she smiles

I stared at the woman confusingly, "Oh dear, I'll take you to his class." she grasped my hand gently

As we made it down a couple of halls we finally made it to the classroom, I clutched onto my book bag firmly walking in. "Oh hello, this is a surprise- where is Mr. Anderson?" the woman asked a bearded grown man who was just watching the class.

"Mr. Anderson went to the bathroom and asked me to watch the class for him." he touches his long beard

The bearded man's eyes landed on me and my uniform skirt, that the school gave me since they had a dress code.

Uh- eyes up here.

He eyes me one more time before lowering his hand out for me to shake it. "And you ar-

Just as he got interrupted by a tall man walking in. "Mr. Anderson." the blonde ponytail woman

Some people got off their phones, standing up straight in their seats- and pretending like they were doing work.

I turned my attention to the male who looked organized and neat.

The teacher walking in late to class was tall like 6'3, fit and handsome with that sharp jaw line. he had perfectly styled jet black hair and deep brown eyes which were somehow both intimidating and sexy at the same time. i tried not to stare... at least not for too long.

Ew that's your fucking teacher.

"Ms. Rachel." He greeted back shaking her hand

Ms. Rachel was daydreaming and amazed just as I was, "hello?" I waved my head in the woman's face waiting for her to introduce me.

"Oh of course, this is Kali Torres, a new student in you're class."

Mr. Anderson goggles my figure.

"Age?" He asked

"Nineteen." She responded


"Mr. Anderson to you, nice to meet you Kali Torres." He stares into my eyes as he shook my hand

He let go and went behind his desk, "I'll take it from here." He said to the other adults.

"Right- anyways If you need any help Kali just let me know, I'm just a step away." She smiles toothy before walking out with the bearded man.

I stood in front of the class awkwardly, "Kali Torres please take a seat." His voice sounding gruff

"Anywhere." He continued

I looked at the back of the class seeing a set of teens, a brunette female chewing gum and blowing it, the boy on the other hand was a blonde and he was fidgeting with a pencil.

I sat down at the end of them both as there was an empty seat. I slung my book bag behind my chair and waited for the teacher to continue the class.

"Hey." the girl with heavy mascara nodded her head greeting me.

"Hello," I said dryly

"You just entered hell," she whispered

I rolled my eyes at the lack of humor. It wasn't like I was going to do my work anyway, I was going to take a nap.

As I was about to lay my head down a big book got slammed onto my desk, "Follow along." Mr Anderson said as he made his way back to the front.

"I told you." the girl whispered back opening her book.

He just told me to follow along, I don't see how that's hell. I stared at the girl confusingly.

I sighed with annoyance and opened the book. "I want you guys to make a essay about the French Revolution, a very simple task and I expect all of you guys to turn it in by the end of the day for a 100 percent grade." He sits behind his desk crossing his legs, leaning forward- staring at everyone.

"Okay Mr. Anderson?" He spoke up

"Okay." The class said

"Kali Torres, if I'm asking you to say okay please obey."

"What if I don't want to?"

My response made everyone stare at me like I was crazy.

Mr. Anderson sighs before standing up. "You don't want me to fail you on you're the first day here, hm?"

"Hm?" He asked again


"Very well." He chuckles under his breath- standing up from his seat, walking towards the front of the class.

"I also want the essay to have five paragraphs, with each paragraph containing information relevant to the main argument or idea developed in the essay. the essay should have an introduction an opening paragraph, body paragraphs with supporting evidence or examples of the argument, and a conclusion.

"Alright?" He asked

"Okay." Everyone said including me.

"You may start."

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