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Normal P.O.V,

It was just a normal day at Brookland High, it was morning and that means everybody was pulling into the parking lot and getting ready to face this boring day at school. Ava Dawson was walking into school when Emily Clark called her over. With Emily was Becca Ferguson and Amaya Raines. Ava, Emily, Becca and Amaya where all best friends and all in 11th grade. Ava Dawson has dirty blonde hair and blue eyes with rings of hazel around them. She is the caption of the dance club and loves music, her favorite color is teal. Her parents are divorced and she lives with her dad.

"Ava do you think you could teach me that one move." Becca says.

"Sure if you want, come to practice today after school." Ava says.

"Sorry I cant I have detention." Becca says. The four girls start to laugh.

Becca Ferguson has black hair and sky blue eyes. She has a nose and eyebrow piercing. She hates her parents and likes to party. She isn't the caption of anything unless you count detention as an activity. Becca can be really mean, so don't cross her path, and she has a twin sister Amelia.

"Why you guys laughing at me." Becca asks.

"This is your third detention this week." Emily says.

"Well maybe if people wouldn't be stupid I wouldn't have any." Becca says.

Emily laughs and shakes her head. Emily Clark has dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes. She has black glasses that are kinda like nerdy glasses. She is the caption of the book club and loves reading. She loves the color purple and has a kitten named Hazelay. Her parents are divorced and she lives with her mom. She as an older brother named Brady.

"You know what would be cool if we all got detention together." Amaya says.

"Sorry Amaya but unlike you and Becca Emily and I have lives and other stuff to do." Ava says.

"I have a life, ok its pretty cool, it consists of Netflix and food." Amaya smiles and says.

Amaya Raines has dark brown hair and chocolate colored eyes. Amaya was born with two moms, and is the only child. She loves reading, puppies boys, and food. She isn't part of a club she just kinda does whatever she wants, when she wants. She is a chill and relax person, but can get a little crazy at times.

"Well as fun as that sounds I think I will stick to my book club." Emily says.

"Your loss." Amaya says.

Brady comes walking over to Emily. "Hey do you know what time mom is going to be home tonight?" Brady asks his younger sister.

"Nope but I'm pretty sure she will be home about the same time you end practice." Emily says.

"Ok well if I'm not home before she gets home tell her I went to Lucas's house." Brady says.

Brady Clark has dirty blonde hair and bright green eyes. His hair is spiked up in the front. He is the caption of the football team and he likes to play video games. His favorite color is red and he also lives with his mom. He is in 12th grade.

"Ok, but where are you really going." Emily asks her brother.

"To a party." Brady says.

"Ok." Emily says.

"Nice talking to you, and nice seeing you, Becca, Amaya and Ava." Brady says. Ava looks up at him and Brady makes eye contact. He turns around and walks away.

Amaya and Emily walk away to get to class, while Ava and Becca stand outside for a little while longer. "What the hell was that." Becca says.

"What the hell was what." Ava asks.

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