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One day, CatNap decided to take a walk. He made his way to the park, where he noticed some of his friends were having a picnic. Hoppy Hopscotch saw him and waved. "Hey, CatNap! Come join us!"

Purring, CatNap walked over and sat down. There was KickinChicken, PickyPiggy, BobbyBearHug, Bubba Bubbaphant, CraftyCorn, and DogDay. They were all enjoying stuff like sandwiches, potato chips, sodas, and for dessert, vanilla wafer cookies.

The sight made CatNap's mouth water. DogDay handed him a tray of pretty much everything. "Thank you..." CatNap quietly said. Then he ate some of the chips.

"So, me and CraftyCorn were thinking about making artwork out of mathematical equations..." Bubba Bubbaphant spoke up.

"Really?" Bobby BearHug asked excitedly. "How on earth can you do that?"

"Well, if we angle the equations just right and turn them into shapes, and then color them in, we can make pretty much anything!" CraftyCorn said.

PickyPiggy grinned. "Say, that doesn't sound like a bad idea!"

KickinChicken laughed. "Art's not really my thing, but it sounds wicked. What do you think, DogDay?"

"Oh, I'm sure it'll turn out nicely. You guys make some of the most creative things I've ever seen," DogDay replied.

CatNap listened to this conversation silently, taking a bite out of his sandwich before chasing it down his throat with some soda. He wasn't much of a talker; never was. He could speak just fine, it was just that he found listening more interesting. He could gather more information that way.

A river flowed nearby, the water lapping the edges of the bank as the current flowed. Butterflies chased each other all around the park. The sun's rays were warm and comforting. Feeling drowsy from both the meal and the gorgeous scenery, CatNap climbed up into the tree they were picnicking under and curled up on a branch, falling asleep.

The discussion below him continued, but it didn't disturb him from his rest. CatNap's tail waved back and forth contentedly. What a nice day.

Crack. CatNap opened one eye. 'Huh? What was that?' he thought. None of the other Smiling Critters seemed to pick up on the noise. CatNap closed his eye and stretched a little, trying to go back to sleep.

Suddenly, a much louder crack tore through his thoughts. The sensation of falling jolted him awake, as his one instinctual reaction was to sieze the tree with his claws. Snapping his eyes open, CatNap stared down at the descending tree branch. It fell into the river and disappeared under the rapids.

"CatNap!" DogDay yelled, jumping to his feet. The others stared up at CatNap, startled. A look of terror came over their faces.

"Oh my gosh! What are we gonna do?!" BobbyBearHug screamed.

"I'll run and get a ladder!" KickinChicken announced, hurrying back towards the clubhouse.

"There's no time!" Bubba Bubbaphant yelled.

All the while, as they were screaming and running around, CatNap could feel his grip on the remains of the tree branch slipping. Meowing helplessly, he tried to pull his body to safety, but every little movement made him slip lower.

DogDay's eyes widened. He turned to his friends. "HEY!" he cried. "Give me a boost up the tree! Now!" His voice was filled with desperation and fear. CatNap had never heard that tone from him before.

Bubba Bubbaphant and BobbyBearHug hoisted DogDay upon their shoulders, grunting as they did so. "Hold on, CatNap! I'm coming!" DogDay said, scrambling onto the tree.

CatNap swallowed the terror welling up within him. He looked back down at the rapids below. If he went under, he didn't think he stood a chance of getting back to shore. He'd...he'd...

Tears welled up in CatNap's eyes as he mewled again. His claws gave way through the bark and he fell with a yowl. To his surprise, DogDay siezed his arm, grimacing when the feline's claws dug in. Even so, the canine didn't let go. With a whimper, DogDay pulled CatNap carefully out of the tree.

The Smiling Critters swarmed them, asking CatNap if he was okay and if he was hurt. CatNap was stunned for a moment. "Uh, I'm...I'm fine..." he managed to get out. Then he looked over at DogDay, who was tending to the deep scratches in his arm.

CatNap went over to DogDay, unsure what to do. Blood oozed from the scratches.

"Oh, no! Hang on, I'll get my first aid kit!" CraftyCorn said, digging through her backpack.

DogDay looked up at CatNap, who stared back. Then the feline embraced the canine in a gentle hug. Purrs rumbled through CatNap's body as he nuzzled his head into DogDay's chest. Surprised, DogDay slowly hugged back, tail wagging.

The two of them backed away from one another after a while, DogDay blushing as he tried to get his tail to calm down.

"Here's for your wounds, DogDay..." CraftyCorn said as she disinfected his wounds and wrapped them in gauze.

CatNap flinched when he heard DogDay whine. "I'm...I'm sorry..."

"Don't be," DogDay replied. "It was an accident. They're just scratches." He whimpered softly again.

"You're a hero, DogDay!" PickyPiggy cried.

"Yeah! Three cheers for DogDay!" BobbyBearHug exclaimed.

The Smiling Critters cheered. DogDay laughed a little, then looked over at CatNap. CatNap looked sad for a moment before sitting back down at the picnic blanket.

A little while later, after everyone else had settled and went back home, CatNap and DogDay walked together to their houses as well, both silent. Still trying to process what had just happened.


CatNap turned to look at DogDay.

"Can, uh...can you stay at my house tonight? Please?"

CatNap smiled and nodded. "Of course."

At DogDay's house, they curled up together on the couch and watched some TV. Once it got a bit late, DogDay sighed and lay down. CatNap lay next to him.

To his surprise, he heard the canine sniffling. "If...if I hadn't caught you, you wouldn't be here..." DogDay started crying.

CatNap felt his heart drop when he heard how traumatized DogDay still was over this. Sure, it had only been a few hours since that admittedly terrifying incident, but CatNap was trying his best to stay calm. Now it sounded like his friend needed his help.

"But I am here, because you saved me..." CatNap said, curling his tail around DogDay's waist. "That was the bravest thing I had ever seen. You were...hurting, but you still pulled me to safety." CatNap teared up from remembering his friend's whimpering. He never liked DogDay being in pain.

DogDay sniffled, scooting upward on the couch pillows. "I don't want to lose you."

CatNap looked up at him and purred, "You never will lose me. I'm here. Everything will be alright, my friend. Rest now."

Emitting some red smoke from his throat, CatNap let DogDay inhale the pacifying substance. His paws trailed up DogDay's chest to his shoulders.

DogDay's tail wagged and he yawned sleepily. "Thanks, CatNap. Goodnight..."

"No problem, DogDay. And goodnight..."

CatNap waited until DogDay was out like a light. Then he crawled between the canine's arms, pressing his back against DogDay's chest. CatNap smiled when he felt DogDay nuzzle into his neck and wrap a leg around his waist.

Purring softly, CatNap fell asleep, feeling safe and happy with his best friend.

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