You Belong To Me [] Yandere! Katz X Reader

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The sky gets darker with each mile (Your Name) drives. She needs to find a place to rest soon before highway hypnosis takes over her vision. Fortunately for her, she sees a motel and slows down to turn to the parking lot.

She is finally able to read the sign as she parked, 'Katz Motel'. It looked to be beaten up and run down, but it is not like (Your Name) had a choice.

The next city would not be for another 500 miles, which would take roughly 5 to 6 hours to drive through, it will get too late to check in by then.

She enters the lobby and rings the desk bell for assistance. In an instant, a tall and scrawny cat man with red fur and purple highlights slowly rises from under the desk. "Welcome to the Katz Motel, I'm Katz. Would you please sign in?"

(Your Name) stares intensely into the book as she writes her name down. Little is she aware, Katz is staring intently at her face, taking in every detail with interest while making a small unnoticeable smile. His pupils glance elsewhere just in time before she lifts her head up after signing in.

(Your Name) steps into her room and inspects it immediately. It looked nice, clean, and well kept, a far cry from how the outside looked. All she wanted to do was get ready for bed, as she had a long road trip to Florida ahead of her.

By the time (Your Name) places her suitcase on the desk that she will not be not be using, the pair of eyes on the painting hanging on the wall are watching her. Behind the painting, Katz is watching her every move, entranced by the way her body sways when she walks and the way her body extends when she stretches after a long day's drive. He can feel his heart beat faster when he puts his hands on his chest.

"Oh (Your Name)," Katz mused, remembering her name by looking at her signature in the book. "You may not know it yet, but you belonged to me the moment you set foot in my motel." As he finishes his sentence, (Your Name) begins to change and he closes the eye slits so she can have her privacy. He had other matters to attend to anyway.

Before (Your Name) can fully undress, she just remembered that she forgot to ask for some toiletries. So she puts her clothes back on and heads out to the front desk. For some reason, (Your Name) can feel someone's eyes on her as she walks down the hallway, but she ignores it when she arrives at the front desk.

She rings the bell again but no one shows up, that is when she notices the door that reads 'Private' is slightly open. She carefully approaches the door and knocks shyly, "Hello?" (Your Name) called out, "I don't mean to bother you, but if you're not busy, I'm in need of some toiletries." No answer.

(Your Name) opens the door which reveals a giant spider web with a stranger trapped in a web cocoon. She looks horrified at the scene before her, a giant spider claws through the cocoon and eats the person alive. She swallows the bile creeping up her throat. It did not take a rocket scientist to figure out that (Your Name) had to leave the motel before she met the same fate.

She turns to the door but it is blocked by Katz himself. "Leaving so soon?" He closes the door behind him and locks it.

"Please don't do this. I have a mom, a dad, and a pair of grandparents who'll miss me dearly." (Your Name) begged.

"Oh, I will not feed you to my spiders. Not you. I have different plans for you." Katz continued, "I cannot let you leave after what you've done to me."

"What? What did I possibly do?" (Your Name) asked frantically.

"It's simple (Your Name), you've enraptured me with your beauty," Katz said, looking at her half lidded with hearts in his eyes. "You made me fall in love with you, and now that you're here, you're not going anywhere."

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